[comp.lang.c++] Synergy

dsr@stl.stc.co.uk (David Riches) (08/17/89)

Has anyone used Synergy yet?  It's from Xerox Parc and is supposed
to be an environment for C++ along the lines of Smalltalk.

I heard that it was supposed to be released Jan. 1989 but have
heard nothing since.

   Dave Riches
   PSS:    dsr@stl.stc.co.uk
   ARPA:   dsr%stl.stc.co.uk@earn-relay.ac.uk
   Smail:  Software Design Centre, (Dept. 103, T2 West), 
	   STC Technology Ltd., London Road,
	   Harlow, Essex. CM17 9NA.  England
   Phone:  +44 (0)279-29531 x2496

jnh@ecemwl.ncsu.edu (Joseph N. Hall) (08/18/89)

In article <2196@stl.stc.co.uk> dsr@stl.stc.co.uk (David Riches) writes:
>Has anyone used Synergy yet?  It's from Xerox Parc and is supposed
>to be an environment for C++ along the lines of Smalltalk.
>I heard that it was supposed to be released Jan. 1989 but have
>heard nothing since.
Yeah, this was a pretty big surprise to me, too.  I called ParcPlace for
info about the Mac ObjectWorks platform, and the lady I spoke to asked me if
I wanted info about "C++" ... (confused silence ensued) ... I said, sure,
and would it be available for the Mac?  Yes, she said, but not right away,
though it will be running on the Sun later this year ...

I'm waiting for the info in the mail.

v   v sssss|| joseph hall                      || 4116 Brewster Drive
 v v s   s || jnh@ecemwl.ncsu.edu (Internet)   || Raleigh, NC  27606
  v   sss  || SP Software/CAD Tool Developer, Mac Hacker and Keyboardist
-----------|| Disclaimer: NCSU may not share my views, but is welcome to.

reggie@dinsdale.nm.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) (08/18/89)

In article <3686@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu> jnh@ecemwl.UUCP (Joseph N. Hall) writes:
>In article <2196@stl.stc.co.uk> dsr@stl.stc.co.uk (David Riches) writes:
>>Has anyone used Synergy yet?  It's from Xerox Parc and is supposed
>>to be an environment for C++ along the lines of Smalltalk.

>>I heard that it was supposed to be released Jan. 1989 but have
>>heard nothing since.

    It was announced a short time ago.

>Yeah, this was a pretty big surprise to me, too.  I called ParcPlace for
>info about the Mac ObjectWorks platform, and the lady I spoke to asked me if
>I wanted info about "C++" ... (confused silence ensued) ... I said, sure,
>and would it be available for the Mac?  Yes, she said, but not right away,
>though it will be running on the Sun later this year ...

>I'm waiting for the info in the mail.

    If it is only the one page (printing on both sides) overview, it won't
provide much more in the way of detail than was provided in an earlier
posting to this newsgroup:

 ____  ==> [ unzip here ]
Article 194 of comp.lang.c++:
Path: pdn!uunet!husc6!mailrus!ames!elroy!jpl-devvax!beowulf!david
From: david@beowulf.JPL.NASA.GOV (David Smyth)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.smalltalk
Subject: Re: Parcplace Systems' Cynergy C++?
Message-ID: <3527@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
Date: 15 Nov 88 15:22:34 GMT
References: <5155@thorin.cs.unc.edu> <8414@alice.UUCP> <25837@teknowledge-vaxc.ARPA>
Sender: news@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
Reply-To: david@beowulf.JPL.NASA.GOV (David Smyth)
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
Lines: 23
Xref: pdn comp.lang.c++:194 comp.lang.smalltalk:55

mkhaw@teknowledge-vaxc.UUCP (Mike Khaw) writes:
>bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) writes:
>>its environment and libraries. I am in particular looking forward to
>>trying ParcPlace's Cynegy C++ program development environment. 
>	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>What's the scoop on this?  Does in run *under* PS Smalltalk-80, or as
>a separate standalone system?  Is it selling or still under development?

Talk to Steve Lavine @ (800) 822-7880.  Friday he told me: It does
run under ST80 on Suns under SunView, it is under development, alpha
test in December, Beta in Jan, ship in mid 2nd Qtr '89.

Currently it uses cfront, provides ST80 environment and tools for
C++ development: editor, browser, "incremental linking", "incremental
compilation" <- I don't quite know what they really mean by this:
and automatic dependency "control", again, I'm not sure from the
one page blurb they handed out at OOPSLA'88.

Sounds interesting, were may be an alpha site, probably a beta site,
and I'm sure we will buy some licenses here at JPL.

disclaimer: I don't have any vested interest in ParcPlace systems,
and I'm not yet a customer: might be someday, tho'

 ____  ==> [ unzip here ]

    You can also get information by sending e-mail to Info@ParcPlace.com

George W. Leach					AT&T Paradyne 
(uunet|att)!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-133
Phone: 1-813-530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
FAX: 1-813-530-8224				Largo, FL  USA  34649-2826

reggie@dinsdale.nm.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) (08/18/89)

In article <6511@pdn.paradyne.com> reggie@dinsdale.paradyne.com (George W. Leach) writes:
>In article <3686@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu> jnh@ecemwl.UUCP (Joseph N. Hall) writes:
>>In article <2196@stl.stc.co.uk> dsr@stl.stc.co.uk (David Riches) writes:
>>>Has anyone used Synergy yet?  It's from Xerox Parc and is supposed
>>>to be an environment for C++ along the lines of Smalltalk.

>>>I heard that it was supposed to be released Jan. 1989 but have
>>>heard nothing since.

>    It was announced a short time ago.

     And of course, I locate the announcement after I posted :-(

     Here is is:

 ____  ==> [ unzip here ]
Article 91 of comp.newprod:
Path: pdn!uunet!ginosko!gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!rutgers!bellcore!att!mcdchg!usenet
From: khaw@parcplace.COM (Mike Khaw)
Newsgroups: comp.newprod
Subject: Objectworks for C++ - a development environment
Message-ID: <23222@mcdchg.chg.mcd.mot.com>
Date: 13 Jul 89 22:25:17 GMT
Sender: usenet@mcdchg.chg.mcd.mot.com
Followup-To: poster
Organization: ParcPlace Systems, Palo Alto CA
Lines: 91
Approved: usenet@mcdchg.UUCP

ParcPlace Systems Announces Objectworks for C++

First Software Application Development System for AT&T's C++ Release 2.0

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., June 27, 1989 

	ParcPlace Systems today announced Objectworks[TM] for C++, a
software development system for AT&T's C++ Language System, Release
2.0.  Objectworks for C++ provides developers and programmers with a
system for the creation, management and delivery of object-oriented
software programs and applications using C++.  The integrated set of
object-oriented development tools address key phases of C++ application
development, from the design of class and code structure to ongoing

	"Objectworks for C++ will draw more software developers to
object-oriented technology by providing a development environment for
the C++ programming language," said Adele Goldberg, President and CEO
of ParcPlace Systems.  "Tools such as an incremental compiler and
linker, and file and program structure browsers, will deliver the
benefits of object-oriented technology to the C++ programmer."

	Objectworks brings three essential object-oriented programming
tools to the C++ system:  incremental compiling and linking,
source-level debugging and source code browsing.  The incremental
compiler/linker involves the C++ translator and host compiler and links
the modified functions.  Use of the host compiler ensures identical
behavior of programs during the development process and at the time of
application delivery.  The source-level debugger allows programmers to
interact with the execution state of a program and to inspect and
change the values of variables.  The source code browser of Objectworks
for C++ enables programmers to view the class hierarchy and file
structure of application code in a graphical way.  Programmers can
query the system, dynamically searching for a function's implementors
and callers.  Additionally, the browser allows programmers to search
for references to data types or to filter the search on the basis of
C++ private, protected or public interfaces.  Additionally, Objectworks
for C++ includes a file browser, providing a graphical interface to the
Unix operating system and file system that simplifies the management of
files and directories.  This interface is called the Unix Navigator[TM].

	"We are excited to see the first development system for C++
Release 2.0," said Mike DeFazio, director of Unix Systems Software at
AT&T's Unix Software Operations.   "ParcPlace's Objectworks for C++
provides programmers with an advanced object-oriented development
system for the C++ language."

	C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell
Laboratories.  C++ adds the features of object-oriented programming to
the widely used C programming language developed at AT&T during the
1970s.  Release 2.0 fully supports the creation of abstract and
concrete classes.  It supports multiple inheritance, allowing a class
to be derived from one or more other classes.  This new release
supports dynamic memory allocation definable on a per-class basis.  It
includes type-safe linkage, which eliminates a large class of C
programming bugs.

	Objectworks for C++ will be available in late August 1989 for
the Sun-3, with other platforms to follow.  Pricing is set at U.S.
$2495 for the Sun-3 platform.  Software support service is available,
including a customer hotline, upgrades to new software releases, an
electronic bulletin board and ParcPlace newsletters.

	ParcPlace Systems, Inc., based in Mountain View, Calif., is a
pioneer and leader in the development and marketing of object-oriented
systems and graphical user interface technology.  ParcPlace's products
include Objectworks for Smalltalk-80[TM], an object-oriented development
system for the Smalltalk-80 programming language.  In-house and on-site
training, covering introductory through advanced level object-oriented
programming is also available.  The company was founded in April 1988
by the Xerox PARC researchers who were part of the team that created
the Smalltalk object-oriented systems.  ParcPlace products are
supported on a complete range of popular hardware platforms from PCs to
high-end workstations, providing full portability of graphical
applications across diverse processors, operating systems and windowing

	ParcPlace Systems, Inc.
	1550 Plymouth Road
	Mountain View, CA 94043

	(415) 691-6700

	e-mail: info@parcplace.com or {uunet,decwrl,sun}!parcplace!info

Mike Khaw
ParcPlace Systems, 1550 Plymouth St., Mountain View, CA 94043	415/691-6749
Domain=khaw@parcplace.com, UUCP={uunet,sun,decwrl}!parcplace!khaw

 ____  ==> [ unzip here ]


George W. Leach					AT&T Paradyne 
(uunet|att)!pdn!reggie				Mail stop LG-133
Phone: 1-813-530-2376				P.O. Box 2826
FAX: 1-813-530-8224				Largo, FL  USA  34649-2826

khaw@pplace.COM (Mike Khaw) (08/19/89)

>Has anyone used Synergy yet?  It's from Xerox Parc and is supposed
>to be an environment for C++ along the lines of Smalltalk.

Cynergy is the old unofficial name for what is now called "Objectworks
for C++".  It's a product of ParcPlace Systems, Inc., which is a spinoff
from, but not the same as, Xerox PARC, nor a Xerox subsidiary.

>I heard that it was supposed to be released Jan. 1989 but have
>heard nothing since.

We expect that Objectworks for C++ will be available initially on
Sun-3s this Fall (1989).  For more information call ParcPlace Systems
at (415) 691-6700, or send e-mail to:

	uucp: ...!uunet!parcplace!info
	internet: parcplace!info@uunet.uu.net

Mike Khaw
ParcPlace Systems, 1550 Plymouth St., Mountain View, CA 94043	415/691-6749
Domain=khaw@parcplace.com, UUCP={uunet,sun,decwrl}!parcplace!khaw