[comp.lang.c++] New 2.0 educational price

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (08/05/89)

I have just been told that AT&T have gotten their act together over the
issue of educational liscences. They do listen.

Here is the basic scheme:

	AT&T will be providing a sublicensing agreement at no initial
	fee to the educational market with a $25 royalty. This will
	be in addition to the $300 source fee.

The arithmetic looks reasonable to me: $300 for a source + $25 per extra CPU.

There will be an official announcement to that effect (with all the
appropriate legalese) as soon as paper copies can be produced and
distributed. It also appears that they have done a decent job of
minimizing the paper work.

The scheme will take effect in about 10 days. Please don't badger your
AT&T rep before that. They will not be able to do anything before that
anyway - and might not have any more facts available than you find in
this notice.

	- Bjarne

gwoods@hpspcoi.HP.COM (Greg Woods) (08/30/89)

  I have just read your paper published in USENIX C++ Conference proceeding,
 'A Set of C++ Classes for Co-routine Style Programming',ave just read your       published in USENIX C++ Conference proceeding.

  I was wondering how we can get a copy of /usr/include/CC/task.h
  mentioned at the end of the paper. 

   1) Is this available from AT&T
   2) GNU G++?
   3) Other,

  My intent is to do some siumlations and I believe these declarations
  would be useful. Is there something else that would be more appropriate?

  I am an old SIMULA programmer and found myself in a familiar
  world for the first time in 10 years. In fact I would be very interested
  in seeing a SIMULA to C++ cross index.

  ~~Greg Woods PCG, Hewlett-Packard