[comp.lang.c++] Inline constructor problem

blv@hpctdlk.HP.COM (Bob Vixie) (08/29/89)

I have a problem with inline constructors.  We are building a large
library of classes that make up our system.  Each class is separately
compiled and archived into the library.

It seems as though each inline constructor is placed in each object
file as a static function.  My guess is cfront creates these functions
because new() requires the address of a constructor as a parameter.

I noticed in the man page that the +e0 and +e1 options solve this
problem for virtual function tables.  Are there similar options for
inline constructors?  If so, I haven't found them.

I am using cfront 2.0 beta 6.

Bob Vixie

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (08/31/89)

In article <1990010@hpctdlk.HP.COM> blv@hpctdlk.HP.COM (Bob Vixie) writes:
>I have a problem with inline constructors.  We are building a large
>library of classes that make up our system.

If you make your constructors global functions instead of inline, I suspect
you'll discover a major decrease in the size of your program with practically
no performance penalty.

C++ has a problem in that its syntax makes it easier to make a member function
inline than not, so many programmers go overboard with inlines. Some
general rules for if a function should be inline or not:
	1. Constructors should not be inline. The reason is that even though
	   the body of the ctor looks trivial, the compiler may insert a
	   bunch of hidden stuff (such as base class constructor calls) that
	   can cause a surprising amount of bloat. Grouping all the ctors
	   into one module also portably solves the problem of multiple vtbls
	   without kludges like +e0 and +e1.
	2. Member functions should be inline if they consist of one
	   expression, otherwise they should be global.

shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) (09/01/89)

> 	1. Constructors should not be inline. The reason is that even though
> 	   the body of the ctor looks trivial, the compiler may insert a
> 	   bunch of hidden stuff (such as base class constructor calls) that
> 	   can cause a surprising amount of bloat. Grouping all the ctors

Point well taken.

However, if cfront were a little smarter about things like null
constructors and constructors for auto objects, this would not be such a
problem. (For auto objects, cfront actually tosses out code inline to check
to see if the object's address is NULL (!) and calls "new" otherwise.