[comp.lang.c++] Object-Oriented Systems Analysis

vinoski@apollo.HP.COM (Stephen Vinoski) (09/06/89)

I recently received a mailing from Prentice-Hall which advertised Bertrand
Meyer's "Object Oriented Software Construction" book and another book about
object-oriented systems analysis.  I was interested in the second book but
Prentice-Hall screwed up and sent me Meyer's book, which I already have.  I want
to get the second book, but I can't remember the title or the author.

If anyone out there knows the title/author/ISBN for the book I am referring to,
I would appreciate getting the information from you.  Thanks in advance.

# Steve Vinoski       # Apollo, a Subsidiary of HP  # ARPA: vinoski@apollo.com #
# (508)256-6600 x5904 # Chelmsford, MA  01824       # UUCP: ...!apollo!vinoski #
# "...no hardware designer should be allowed to produce any piece of hardware  #
#  until 3 software guys have signed off for it."   -Andy Tanenbaum            #

jenings@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (Byron T. Jenings Jr.) (09/06/89)

Object-oriented systems analysis: modeling the world in data
Sally Shlaer, Stephen J Mellor
    p.  cm. -- (Yourdon Press computing series)
    ISBN 0-13-629023-X

Copyright 1988 by Prentice Hall, Inc.