[comp.lang.c++] help - need good c++ book, oo design book

buckaroo@daffy.UUCP (Don Lyons) (09/11/89)

I am quite experienced in using c and come from the school of
data flow design . I am embarking on a OOP project and need to
learn about c++ and object oriented design . I am looking for
some good books on the subject . If you would, please direct mail
me your responses . Thank you in advance .

	Don R. Lyons

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (09/12/89)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there are *any* *good*
books seriously addressing C++ for object oriented design.  Which is sad,
since C++ programmers are developing a unique style of object oriented 
programming quite distinct from that going on in Smalltalk, for example.

Good books/references on C++, which *touch* on object oriented programming
include: the Lippman text, the Dewhurst text, the C++ conference and
and workshop proceedings, the various articles by AT&T authors. principally
Stroustrop and Shapiro.  Be forwarned that the Stroustrup 'bible',
"The C++ Programming Language" is seriously out of date.  For a language
reference, see below instead.

To get a historical view of OOP, read the various Smalltalk books, recognizing
the Smalltalk approach *is not* the direction that C++ is heading in.  
Eckel: "Using C++" ISBN 0-07-881522-3 has a pretty good first chapter
introducing Object-Oriented Languages, but the rest of the book disappoints

Also, see Journal of Object Oriented Programming, again mainly referring
to AT&T authors for reliable articles.

More serious users may want the following from AT&T:

						"select code"
C++ Language System Release Notes		307-090
(Basically the 2.0 compiler porting guide)

C++ Language System Product Reference Manual	307-146
(This is basically the reference section of the Stroustrup "Bible" updated
 to 2.0.  Contains info not correctly stated elsewhere)

C++ Language System Library Manual		307-145
(Describes the standard libraries: complex; tasks; and streams.  Unfortunately,
 it seems to be a bit hard to get good ported versions on the task libraries,
 being somewhat more tightly CPU/compiler coupled.)

C++ Language System Selected Readings		307-144
	Evolution to C++
	An Introduction to C++
	An Overview of C++
	Object Oriented Programming
	Multiple Inheritance
	Type-Safe Linkage for C++
	Access Rules for C++

Much of the information in these have been published before in a variety
of forms, but the info here seems to have been updated to reflect the changes
introduced by 2.0.