[comp.lang.c++] classes for co-routines, tasking, communication, etc.?

lpw@jvc.UUCP (Lance Welsh) (09/14/89)

Concerning classes for co-routines, tasking, etc.:

	What exists?  I know of Stroustrup's original work and Shopiro's
	extended work on some classes to go with AT&T's c++ compiler.
	Does GNU has something like this?  Keith Gorlen's OOPS?

	How are they available?  Source?  Obviously anything from GNU and OOPS is
	available under their terms.  Considering the price of AT&T's 2.0 system,
	I doubt the source for the task library is public domain.  What if
	you would like to get the AT&T stuff working with the GNU or Oregon
	system?  Or is that crazy?  Do vendors have reliable ports of the
	task library to systems such as, lets say uh, SUN 3?

	Obviously, some work has been done for inter-routine communication,
	has any work been done to communicate between co-routines of different
	processes?  Or any class work in general for inter-process communication?
	I noticed the Allegro paper in the proceedings of the 1987 c++ workshop.
	Is this available?  Has anyone used it other than Mark Linton and company
	at Stanford?

As always, thanks for any information and I will post a summary if appropriate.

-Lance P. Welsh  uunet!jvc!lpw  JVC Laboratory of America  (408) 988-4675