x96@nikhefh.nikhef.nl (Hein van der Woord) (09/20/89)
We are exploring possibilities for modelling several biological systems in C++. We have come across several tools for screen handling. However, at this point we are most eager to learn about the availability or development of libraries and sources for discrete time, continuous, and hybrid simulations. Does anyone know of classes in C++ that are comparable to the system classes SIMSET and SIMULATION that are available in Simula? Or, is anyone familiar with attempts to implement classes that are comparable to classes Simulation, Simulation- Object, and DelayedEvent which are available in Smalltalk ? Please reply by electronic mail to ROBBEL@VAXH.NKI.NL. If anyone is interested in the replies we receive, let us know, and we'll post a summary of replies at USEnet in due time. Many thanks in advance, Huub Stoffers, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam. Contact address: ROBBEL@VAXH.NKI.NL (preferred) or ROBBEL%NKIVXH.SURFNET@HASARA5.BITNET or ROBBEL%NKIVXH.SURFNET@SARA.NL