[comp.lang.c++] C++ under OS/2

ericf@persoft.UUCP (Eric R. Feigenson) (09/21/89)

I noticed that someone asked about C++ versions for OS/2 and DOS, and that
discussion has degenerated into a critique of the Zortech C++ compiler
for DOS.  What I would like to know is... is there a C++ compiler/translator
for OS/2?  That is, a C++ compiler that runs under OS/2 and generates "code"
for OS/2 (and Presentation Manager).  My last encounter with the Glockenspiel
translator indicated that it patches the .EXE file to deal with global
constructors, and I assumed that these patches might not be compatible under
OS/2 or PM.

So... what's available for C++ for OS/2 and PM?  Has anyone actually
coded any applications for OS/2 and/or PM in C++?  If so, what C++
product did you use?  How does CommonView (or other C++ windowing
packages) enter into this picture?

Thanks in advance!


                        -Eric Feigenson
                        Persoft, Inc.
            (Internet)  ericf@Persoft.COM
            (UUCP)      {ihnp4, seismo, uunet, allegra}!uwvax!persoft!ericf