[comp.lang.c++] Release 2.2 of the RW Vector/Matrix classes ready

keffer@blake.acs.washington.edu (Thomas Keffer) (09/26/89)

Release 2.2 of the Rogue Wave Vector and Matrix classes is ready.  It
can be obtained via anonymous ftp from sperm.ocean.washington.edu (ip 

This is a set of vector and matrix classes.  They include all standard
arithmetic operations (+, *, /, -, --, etc.) for types double, float,
int, and complex, and most math functions (sin, cos, sum, cumsum,
etc.).  The Vector classes include three FFT "server" classes.  The
Matrix classes include linear equation solvers.  "Slice" operators are
supported throughout.  All objects can be saved and restored on either
ASCII or binary files.

Major changes from Version 2.1:

1) Matricies can now be resize()'d.

2) scanFrom(), printOn(), readFrom(), storeOn() have been added to

3) Version checks have been added to storeOn() and readFrom().

4) Better parsing for scanFrom().

5) Some Version 2.0 bugs fixed.  There may still be a few,
particularly with I/O formatting.  (Why was form() removed?)

6) [FD]LUDecomp::solve() now checks to make sure the order of the
right hand side of the linear set of equations matches the order of
the decomposition.


Thanks to Al Vermeulen (Univ. of Waterloo) for his contributions to
the vector and matrix I/O routines and general sleuthing.

Thanks also to Mike Lambert (Pittsburgh Supercomputer center) for his
fixes for AT&T cfront v2.0.

 Dr. Thomas Keffer          | Internet: keffer@sperm.ocean.washington.edu
 School of Oceanography     | BITNET:   keffer%sperm.ocean.washington.edu@UWAVM
 Univ. of Washington, WB-10 | uucp:     uw-beaver!sperm.ocean.washington.edu!keffer
 Seattle, WA 98195          | Telemail: T.KEFFER/OMNET
    (206) 543-6455