[comp.lang.c++] C++ for DOS/OS2

root@softeng1.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) (09/12/89)

What C++ translators/compilers are available for DOS or OS/2?
Is Microsoft marketing a C++ product?
When will Microsoft or Borland be selling a C++ 2.0 compiler?

sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu (Sidney Markowitz ) (09/12/89)

In article <293@softeng1.UUCP> root@softeng1.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) writes:
>What C++ translators/compilers are available for DOS or OS/2?
>Is Microsoft marketing a C++ product?
>When will Microsoft or Borland be selling a C++ 2.0 compiler?

PC Week (9/4/89) said that "the next version of the Turbo C compiler
will incorporate [...] C++", that OS/2 development has been put on
hold due to lack of market demand for an OS/2 product, and that the
next version of Turbo C is due out in 1990, though Borland may decide
to ship a partial implementation of C++ 2.0 to get the product to
market faster.

Disclaimer: I am only quoting the PC Week article, and making no
claims as to what I know, don't know, care about, or don't care about.
-- sidney markowitz <internet: sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu or sidney@ai.mit.edu>

jeenglis@nunki.usc.edu (Joe English) (09/12/89)

root@softeng1.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) writes:
>What C++ translators/compilers are available for DOS or OS/2?

Zortech sells a good C++ compiler for MS-DOS at
an excellent price -- $100, $150 with library source --
It doesn't fully support any of the 2.0 features
(not yet anyway; Walter?) but it does support everything
in The Book.  Personally, I've found it to be a very good

The address is:

    Zortech Inc., 
    Massachusetts Avenue
    Arlington MA 02174

>Is Microsoft marketing a C++ product?
>When will Microsoft or Borland be selling a C++ 2.0 compiler?

To my knowledge, not now and there haven't been
any press releases, so there probably won't be for
a while.

--Joe English


kearns@read.columbia.edu (Steve Kearns) (09/12/89)

I would recommend AGAINST going with Zortech.  The product (1.07, the
latest version as far as I know) has some very serious bugs which 
generate incorrect code.  And the bugs are such that they can bite you
in very subtle ways.  

The best product I have found is the Glockespiel 1.2E1 version of the
AT&T translator.  This comes with the ImageSoft CommonView package, though
it is probably available elsewhere.  They also have a version 1.2E1/16m
which uses extended memory and thus allows much larger files to be
compiled.  Unfortunately this latter product sometimes bombs out, which
they proudly state in their documentation.  

Also, Glock 1.2e1 is built ontop of the microsoft C5.1 compiler (you must
have it to use 1.2e1, I believe).  This means it can be used with standard
libraries, which is not the case with Zortech.  

Personally, I cannot wait for the Turbo people to come out with a C++.  
Turbo C is #1, and I am sure that their C++ will also be topnotch.  


News Flash!
Lightspeed C Messes Up!

Think C, formerly Lightspeed C, is one of the best development environements
for C available on any machine (but it runs only on the Mac).  It features
lightening fast compiles and an integrated makefile/editor/compiler/debugging

The bad news is that they recently shipped an update with object oriented
features.  In fact, it is Yet Another Incompatible Scheme for OOP in C,
along the lines of C_Talk etc...  It is a real kludgy system where you
have to call a new() function to create an object, all objects are 
actually pointers or handles, and other grossness.  They tried to create
a system which you will be able to recompile with a C++ compiler and have 
it still work, but their object system has very little in common with C++.

I suppose they felt the need to be able to say their product is Object
Oriented.  But I suspect word will get out about the reality.  Now they
have sentenced themselves to supporting a kludgy system from here on out,
even when they finally implement C++.  Oh well.


SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) (09/13/89)

Joe English writes

>Zortech sells a good C++ compiler for MS-DOS at
>an excellent price -- $100, $150 with library source --
>It doesn't fully support any of the 2.0 features
>(not yet anyway; Walter?) but it does support everything
>in The Book.  Personally, I've found it to be a very good

It is a good product but it doesn't support everything in The Book.

For example, don't expect user defined conversion operators to work
and do expect some expressions to mis-compile.


nagle@well.UUCP (John Nagle) (09/14/89)

In article <6492@columbia.edu> kearns@read.UUCP () writes:
>I would recommend AGAINST going with Zortech.  The product (1.07, the
>latest version as far as I know) has some very serious bugs which 
>generate incorrect code.  And the bugs are such that they can bite you
>in very subtle ways.  

      Can you be more specific?

      I've found a bug in Zortech 1.07 where incorrect code is generated.
It seems to be associated with the "?" operator.  Interestingly, when
the function involved are changed to "inline", the problem goes away.
I would report the problem to Zortech, but they haven't yet replied to
my registration card.

					John Nagle

kearns@read.columbia.edu (Steve Kearns) (09/14/89)

In article <13588@well.UUCP> nagle@well.UUCP (John Nagle) writes:
>In article <6492@columbia.edu> kearns@read.UUCP () writes:
>>I would recommend AGAINST going with Zortech.  The product (1.07, the
>>latest version as far as I know) has some very serious bugs which 
>>generate incorrect code.  And the bugs are such that they can bite you
>>in very subtle ways.  
>      Can you be more specific?
>					John Nagle

Previously in this group someone pointed out that user defined conversion
operators are not supported.  But the most serious bug I know of
was, very responsibly we should notice, reported by the Zortech's author
Walter Bright.  Objects returned by value are stored in a static location
instead of the stack, meaning that expressions that require two 
subexpressions to be calculated will overwrite each other.

Even more frightening is the unknown:  what other bugs are there that
we DONT know about?


wlp@calmasd.Prime.COM (Walter Peterson) (09/14/89)

In regards to Zortech C++ bugs...

In article <6496@columbia.edu>, kearns@read.columbia.edu (Steve Kearns) writes:
> Even more frightening is the unknown:  what other bugs are there that
> we DONT know about?

That is true of *ANY* software.  If it is frightening for a PC
compiler, just think about so-called Strategic Defense Inititive !

Walt Peterson.  Prime - San Diego R&D (Object and Data Management Group)
"The opinions expressed here are my own."

collin@hpindda.HP.COM (Collin Park) (09/15/89)

re zortech c++:

there is a review of zortech c++ in the 9/89 _Computer_, page 89, by
R. Tenney.  I have no experience with any zortech product, so i cannot
validate or contradict tenney's review -- but thought it might be of
interest to this group.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, opinions expressed above are my
own and do not explicitly reflect those of the Hewlett-Packard Company
or any other person or entity.

collin park			Hewlett-Packard Company
collin%hpda@hplabs.hp.com	19420 Homestead Road -- MS 43LT
				Cupertino, CA  95014  USA

SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) (09/15/89)

Steve Kearns writes

>I would recommend AGAINST going with Zortech.  The product (1.07, the
>latest version as far as I know) has some very serious bugs which 
>generate incorrect code.  And the bugs are such that they can bite you
>in very subtle ways.  

>The best product I have found is the Glockespiel 1.2E1 version of the
>AT&T translator.  This comes with the ImageSoft CommonView package, though

I suggest you not expect too much from the Glockenspiel 1.2E1 C++
translater for MsDos unless you have a 386 with user area extended to

Otherwise two medium sized hxx files will make the translater
run out of storage. And you are going to need lots of hxx files if you
are into reusable software.

And when you include the time taken by the Ms C compiler, compiler times
are long and so are the code files.

The glockenspiel compiler is useful for verifying that ones C++ program
developed with Zortech will compile on something closer to AT&T and for
trying to see if a problem is yours or Zortech's. (Zortech can also be
used to see if a problem is yours or Glockenspiel's)

The cost is getting significant.

Zortech seems to cost about $150 and my update to 1.07 cost me $20.

Glockenspiel cost me $495 from Oasys for a version that was so buggy it
wasn't worth wasting time with plus $350 for the upgrade from
ImageSoft. Its really the cost of the upgrade that hurts. And in this part
of the world the costs of updating the C compiler also hurt.

The answer maybe is there is not a really satisfactory C++
compiler or translater for MsDos on PCs or 286 ATs. But I am still
pretty impressed with Zortech.

Someone who reads this news group wrote saying they were working on
a 386 compiler. Maybe they should report progress.

schwartz@dinl.uucp (Michael Schwartz) (09/15/89)

In article <661@windy.dsir.govt.nz> SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) writes:
>I suggest you not expect too much from the Glockenspiel 1.2E1 C++
>translater for MsDos unless you have a 386 with user area extended to
Glockenspiel has done a good job in 1.2E1 of
	a) rolling out low memory used by make and the front end to
	effectively add about 84K of DOS memory--enough for hierarchies
	that are not too deep
	b) providing an optional product which uses Rational System's
	16M 286 protected mode for direct access to extended memory to
	aid in compilation.  Cost is $100 to owners.  It properly uses
	XMS (version 2.0 and above...)
>The cost is getting significant.
	You bet.  MAJOR advantage of Zortech.

One additional advantage of ImageSoft is that technical support is
responsive and knowledgable.  I haven't seen too many comments that way
about Zortech---although it's nice that Walter Bright follows this

My current thoughts are:  Zortech for playing around with this stuff in
MSDOS; Glockenspiel for commercial development.  In between? depends on
how much they pay you 8-)

Michael Schwartz

daniel@avsd.UUCP (Daniel Edelson) (09/16/89)

In article <657@windy.dsir.govt.nz> SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) writes:
>>Joe English writes
>>Zortech sells a good C++ compiler for MS-DOS at...
>>...but it does support everything in The Book.  

>It is a good product but it doesn't support everything in The Book.
>For example, don't expect user defined conversion operators to work
>and do expect some expressions to mis-compile.

Also no pointers to members. No reasonable way to take the address of a 
member function. And it seems to break in programs with too much data
with symptoms being that the __STIxxx routines are not invoked.
Still, it seems like a good product at a reasonable price for many uses.


daniel@avsd.UUCP (Daniel Edelson) (09/16/89)

In article <6492@columbia.edu> kearns@read.UUCP () writes:
>I would recommend AGAINST going with Zortech...
>The best product I have found is the Glockespiel 1.2E1 version of the
>AT&T translator.... built ontop of the microsoft C5.1 compiler.

Being able to use the Microsoft libraries is an advantage, in fact
a compelling one for us because we use Informix' C-ISAM product,
which requires the Microsoft *4.0* libraries. However another two
advantages to the Zortech product over the Glockenspiel/Microsoft
route are 1) the price, and 2) the fact that the Glockenspiel linker
has about 127 significant characters in identifiers while Microsoft
supports 31. We use grossly long identifier names that differ only in 
the last few characters, and these are nested 3 or 4 classes deep.
31 Character identifiers created a real headache for us, requiring a
preprocessing stage before compilation to shorten identifiers using 

daniel edelson

sho@maxwell.physics.purdue.edu (Sho Kuwamoto) (09/17/89)

In article <2053@avsd.UUCP> daniel@avsd.UUCP (Daniel Edelson) writes:
>In article <657@windy.dsir.govt.nz> SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) writes:
>>>Joe English writes
>>>Zortech sells a good C++ compiler for MS-DOS at...
>>>...but it does support everything in The Book.  
>Also no pointers to members. No reasonable way to take the address of a 
>member function. [...]

So, what does (or should) it mean to take the address of a non static
member function?

sho@physics.purdue.edu  <<-- just wonderin.

awd@dbase.UUCP (Alastair Dallas) (09/18/89)

In article <293@softeng1.UUCP>, root@softeng1.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) writes:
> What C++ translators/compilers are available for DOS or OS/2?
> Is Microsoft marketing a C++ product?
> When will Microsoft or Borland be selling a C++ 2.0 compiler?

You're in luck--an excellent native code C++ (<2.0) compiler is available
from Zortech.  The code speed and size efficiency are legendary, and the
product is comparable to Microsoft's Quick C or Borland's Turbo C in 
completeness and out-of-the-box usability.  I have a copy in front of me
that I haven't had time to even install (more's the pity).  Hopefully
your mail will generate more Zortech testimonials from people who've
actually used the product, because the author, Walter Bright, is a 
regular in this newsgroup.


Zortech, Inc.
366 Massachusetts Avenue
Arlington, MA  02174
(617) 646-6703

Disclaimer: My employer bought the software in question, but I'm speaking
for myself only.

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (09/19/89)

In article <661@windy.dsir.govt.nz>, SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) writes:
> Someone who reads this news group wrote saying they were working on
> a 386 compiler. Maybe they should report progress.

We've been shipping an 80386 DOS C++ for several months.  It's currently
based on AT&T 1.2, to be 2.0ized soooon.
Mark McWiggins			Integration Technologies, Inc. (Intek)
+1 206 455 9935			DISCLAIMER:  I could be wrong ...
1400 112th Ave SE #202		Bellevue WA  98004
uunet!intek01!mark		Ask me about C++!

dspoon@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (Dave Witherspoon) (09/20/89)

In article <236@dbase.UUCP>, awd@dbase.UUCP (Alastair Dallas) writes:
> In article <293@softeng1.UUCP>, root@softeng1.UUCP (Lyle Zumbach) writes:
> > What C++ translators/compilers are available for DOS or OS/2?
> > Is Microsoft marketing a C++ product?
> > When will Microsoft or Borland be selling a C++ 2.0 compiler?
> You're in luck--an excellent native code C++ (<2.0) compiler is available
> from Zortech.  The code speed and size efficiency are legendary, and the
> product is comparable to Microsoft's Quick C or Borland's Turbo C in 
> completeness and out-of-the-box usability.  I have a copy in front of me
> that I haven't had time to even install (more's the pity).  Hopefully
> your mail will generate more Zortech testimonials from people who've
> actually used the product, because the author, Walter Bright, is a 
> regular in this newsgroup.
> /alastair/

OK.  I'll play my tune.  We've been using Zortech's C++ compiler for better
than a year now.  Earlier versions had some problems, but Walter's been
very responsive to problem fixing.  The most admirable trait about Zortech
in general has been Walter's firm stance against vaporware.  Although I
have not received a new version (2.0), I understand that it is in the final
stages of beta-test.  I have every confidence that Walter has a truely
remarkable product on the verge of going out the door.

We started out using Advantage's C++ (from Glock), but we had some code
that the thing just couldn't compile.  It generated names that were not
unique within 31 characters, so MSC 5.0 complained.  Naturally, I
contacted Glock..."tough noogies" was what I was told, with no promise
of repair in the future.  I have access to Walter Bright and Zortech's
support staff here, on BIX, and elsewhere.  By the way, ZTC compiled
that "problem code" first time.

Now that I've gotten used to Zortech's debugger, I don't think I want to
go back to CodeView!  And I'm incredibly anxious to see what has become
of the debugger in the next release...I understand that it will be an
object-level debugger.

Finally, it's true that 1.07 has some bugs.  Some are serious.  We are
told that the next release will be well worth the wait for the bug fixes
and everything else that's coming with that version.  From what I've
seen so far, I have no reason to doubt that.  

True, Borland is coming out with a C++ compiler.  My guess is that they
will be where Zortech was over a year ago with their first release.  

I owe Zortech nothing...just a satisfied user/abuser.

-------------------------------David Witherspoon-------------------------------
D.Witherspoon@Atlanta.NCR.COM         | "Dolphins find humans amusing, but 
NCR Retail Systems Development/Atlanta|  they don't want to talk to them."
MY OPINIONS...ALL MINE!!!             |               - David Byrne

kearns@moritz.columbia.edu (Steve Kearns) (09/21/89)

Hi.  Here is a nifty trick I use to get around the problem of
translators that generate names which are not unique in the first
32 characters.  

If your class is called "BigString", then at the top of your
BigString.h file put 
"#define BigString bS"

This makes the internal name of BigString the much shorter name bS
and has always solved my problems.  


SRWMRBD@windy.dsir.govt.nz (ROBERT) (09/21/89)

In article <1456@dinl.mmc.UUCP>, schwartz@dinl.uucp (Michael Schwartz) writes:

> Glockenspiel has done a good job in 1.2E1 of
> 	a) rolling out low memory used by make and the front end to
> 	effectively add about 84K of DOS memory--enough for hierarchies
> 	that are not too deep

I haven't found this very satisfactory; I still need to use a batch file
and avoid 'make' to do my big files. If you use this roll out mechanism
compile times can rise amazingly - say from 100 seconds to 2000 seconds.

> My current thoughts are:  Zortech for playing around with this stuff in
> MSDOS; Glockenspiel for commercial development.  In between? depends on
> how much they pay you 8-)

I more-or-less agree; however I wonder whether commercial development on a
PC using C++ is sensible. There is quite a large cost in code file length
(I hope to document this some time); my experience with the earlier versions
of Glockenspiel has been a bit unhappy, particularly in dealing with both
Lifeboat and Oasys as agents - I think at least half the problem was
Glockenspiel's; Glockenspiel still has limitations (eg in length of names
it can handle and see my bug report of some time ago and it inherits at
least one bug from MsC 5.1 precluding the use of float); and the programming
environment is in the dark ages.

Now if Walter Bright would sort out Zortech C++ .....

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) (09/22/89)

< I haven't found this very satisfactory; I still need to use a batch file
< and avoid 'make' to do my big files. If you use this roll out mechanism
< compile times can rise amazingly - say from 100 seconds to 2000 seconds.

When I use one of the cfront ports under DOS, I found this small trick
useful. Because cfront can run out of memory so easily, even using make can
push things over the limit. So instead of running make directly to build
things, I run it indirectly via a small batch file:

	make -n %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > tmp.bat

The "make -n" will run through all of its checks and print out exactly what
it would have done to build your process, creating another batch file which
then gets run to do the actual compilation. Doing things this way permits
you to compile your programs with nothing but command.com running, yet still
being able to take full advantage of make's powers.

I hope that this can save someone somewhere some time waiting on those long

					Tony Hansen
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony

dspoon@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (Dave Witherspoon) (09/23/89)

In article <6505@columbia.edu>, kearns@moritz.columbia.edu (Steve Kearns) writes:
> Here is a nifty trick I use to get around the problem of
> translators that generate names which are not unique in the first
> 32 characters.  
> If your class is called "BigString", then at the top of your
> BigString.h file put 
> "#define BigString bS"
> This makes the internal name of BigString the much shorter name bS
> and has always solved my problems.  

Thanks for the tip, Steve.  You may be posting this when you saw my post
on the problems I had with Glockenspiel's C++ translator.  The problem I
had had to do with overloading operator<< for an ostream.  The names
were almost completely out of my control, so I'm not sure that your
trick would have helped me back then.  In any case, I refuse to kluge
around compiler problems that are 2 levels away (i.e., in the
translator, once removed from the compiler).

-------------------------------David Witherspoon-------------------------------
D.Witherspoon@Atlanta.NCR.COM         | "Dolphins find humans amusing, but 
NCR Retail Systems Development/Atlanta|  they don't want to talk to them."
MY OPINIONS...ALL MINE!!!             |               - David Byrne

kneller@cgl.ucsf.edu (Don Kneller) (09/25/89)

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) writes:

>< I haven't found this very satisfactory; I still need to use a batch file
>< and avoid 'make' to do my big files. If you use this roll out mechanism
>< compile times can rise amazingly - say from 100 seconds to 2000 seconds.

>When I use one of the cfront ports under DOS, I found this small trick
>useful. Because cfront can run out of memory so easily, even using make can
>push things over the limit. So instead of running make directly to build
>things, I run it indirectly via a small batch file:

>	make -n %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > tmp.bat
>	tmp

The disadvantage of this technique is that "mk.bat" won't stop if a
compiler error happens.

At the risk of sounding like a plug, my OPUS MAKE program swaps
itself from memory before spawning its shell lines, reducing its
memory requirements to about 3K. I can supply more information to
anyone who is interested.

- Don Kneller
  OPUS Software
  (415) 664-7901
	Don Kneller
UUCP:		...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!kneller
INTERNET:	kneller@cgl.ucsf.edu

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) (09/26/89)

<< When I use one of the cfront ports under DOS, I found this small trick
<< useful. Because cfront can run out of memory so easily, even using make
<< can push things over the limit. So instead of running make directly to
<< build things, I run it indirectly via a small batch file:

<<	make -n %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > tmp.bat
<<	tmp

< The disadvantage of this technique is that "mk.bat" won't stop if a
< compiler error happens.

Quite true. I'd forgotten that I handled that as well. (I didn't have my DOS
machine handy at the time I wrote the previous message. Sigh. I really
dislike using extra bandwidth.)

The real mk.bat file has one additional line in it:

	make -n %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > tmp.bat
	ed - tmp.bat < c:\xbin\tmpmak.ed

ed is the old standby; I use MKS's version. The script tmpmak.ed is simple;
it adds "if" tests after each line plus an ":error" label at the end:

	if errorlevel 1 goto error

I'm certain that similar things can be done with other line editors, such as
edlin. A simple C program could also be used.

	#include <stdio.h>
	    char buf[1024];
	    while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
		fputs(buf, stdout);
		fputs("if errorlevel 1 goto error\n", stdout);
	    fputs(":error\n", stdout);
	    return 0;

and mk.bat becomes

	make -n %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > tmp.bat
	adderror < tmp.bat > tmp2.bat

< At the risk of sounding like a plug, my OPUS MAKE program swaps itself
< from memory before spawning its shell lines, reducing its memory
< requirements to about 3K. I can supply more information to anyone who is
< interested.

Unfortunately, I've had occasions where even 3K made a difference. The
mk.bat scheme requires NO memory overhead besides DOS and command.com.
(Other than that, your make program sounds great.)

					Tony Hansen
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony