[comp.lang.c++] ->* and type info for virtual functions

leo@atcmp.nl (Leo Willems) (09/26/89)

In the following program a class object its address is put in to a void pointer.
After restoring this pointer into a pointer of the base class, typeinfo seems to
be restored:

class B{
	virtual void prt(){ cout << "a B\n"; }

class D : public  B{
	void prt(){ cout << "a D\n"; }

typedef void (B::*PF)();

	PF    pf = B::prt;	
	B*    bp = new D;
	void* x  = bp;		// loosing type info

	bp = (B*) x;		// returning type info?

	(bp->*pf)();		// bp->D::prt() !
				// which is what I want (and expect)

(It  works under g++ 1.35.0, it does not compile under 1.2E glockenspiel
due to a ternary operator problem in the generated C code. After
patching that to an if statement it compiles but calls bp->B::prt(),
it lost typeinfo somewhere)

Is this example program  considered to be legal in C++ ( rel. 12.E and up)?

Leo Willems			Internet: leo@atcmp.nl
AT Computing			UUCP:     mcvax!hp4nl!kunivv1!atcmpe!leo
P. O. Box 1428				
6501 BK  Nijmegen		Phone:    +31-80-566880
The Netherlands			Fax:	  +31-80-555887

dog@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (edward.n.schiebel) (09/27/89)

From article <536@atcmpe.atcmp.nl>, by leo@atcmp.nl (Leo  Willems):
> In the following program a class object its address is put in to a void pointer.
> After restoring this pointer into a pointer of the base class, typeinfo seems to
> be restored:

This will not necessarily be the case, and definitely not with 
multiple inheritence.  

When a derived object is being passed around as a pointer to a one of 
its base classes, that pointer's value is not necessarily == to the 
address of the derived object.  If you take the base*, 
cast it to a void*, then cast it back to a derived*, 
you will definitly have problems ( I have been bitten by this :-).

	Ed Schiebel
	AT&T Bell Laboratories