[comp.lang.c++] simulation classes in OOL

winffww@dutrun.UUCP (Folkert W. Wierda) (09/27/89)

At Delft University of Technology, Department of Information Systems, we
are currently working on the construction of a 'toolbox for simulation'.
This is not supposed to be Just Another Simulation Language, but is an
environment for dynamic modelling of e.g. information systems. Anyone
interested in the particularities of this research can contact me for
getting some papers on the research.

However, we are evaluating the feasability of different  programming
languages for building such an environment. At the moment we are working
with Turbo Pascal, with EIFFEL, with BETA and with the simulation
language SIMAN. Other candidates would be C++ and SMALLTALK-80.

We are interested in receiving any experience on similar projects, with
emphasis on the feasability of the different languages for creating
simulation/modelling environments. Furthermore we are very much
interested in the existence of simulation classes in any of the above
mentioned programming languages.

Folkert W. Wierda                       voice: +31 - 15785811  
Delft University of Technology          fax:   +31 - 15787022 
Department of Information Systems       E-mail:winffww@dutrun.UUCP
P.O.Box 356                                    winffww@hdetud1.BITNET
2600 AJ Delft The Netherlands

scp@pullet.lanl.gov (Stephen Pope) (09/30/89)

In article <917@dutrun.UUCP> winffww@dutrun.UUCP (Folkert W. Wierda) writes:

   At Delft University of Technology, Department of Information Systems, we
   are currently working on the construction of a 'toolbox for simulation'.
   This is not supposed to be Just Another Simulation Language, but is an
   environment for dynamic modelling of e.g. information systems. Anyone
   interested in the particularities of this research can contact me for
   getting some papers on the research.

   However, we are evaluating the feasability of different  programming
   languages for building such an environment. At the moment we are working
   with Turbo Pascal, with EIFFEL, with BETA and with the simulation
   language SIMAN. Other candidates would be C++ and SMALLTALK-80.

   We are interested in receiving any experience on similar projects, with
   emphasis on the feasability of the different languages for creating
   simulation/modelling environments. Furthermore we are very much
   interested in the existence of simulation classes in any of the above
   mentioned programming languages.

You might want to check out SIM++ from Jade.  It's a simulation
``system'' which provides you with a library of base classes
which you derive from and define operations for, and then compile
to build your simulator.  It is pretty comprehensive, and
can be coupled with their ``Time Warp'' package, which lets
you distribute the simulation over any number of computers
on a network (only certain types of boxes, though!) to do the
job in a distributed fashion.  The contact for more info is:

Jade Simulations International Corporation
#80, 1833 Crowchild Trail N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2M 4S7
Tel (403) 282-5711

Rumor has it though, that prices are going up ...

Stephen Pope
Santa Fe Institute

hughes@ns.network.com (Jim Hughes) (09/30/89)

In article <SCP.89Sep29120028@pullet.lanl.gov> scp@pullet.lanl.gov (Stephen Pope) writes:
>In article <917@dutrun.UUCP> winffww@dutrun.UUCP (Folkert W. Wierda) writes:
>You might want to check out SIM++ from Jade.
>Rumor has it though, that prices are going up ...
>Stephen Pope

I just got off the phone with Jade, and they told me that the
MINIMUM price is $24,000 (Canadia or US, I don't know). Wow!

They go up from there.

I am getting some information sent to me.

I use Bjorn's tasking library (1.2) for my simulations, and I think
it's fine (this is my opinion).  I may be biased, but I used to 
simulate in Simula and find the tasking library quite comparable.
I am waiting for Sun's 2.0 port.

