[comp.lang.c++] acceptance of C++

ken@unicads.UUCP (Ken Garnett) (09/30/89)

I need some help convincing my CEO that C++ is not just another passing
fad in the world of programming languages.  We've been using C++ for over
a year now to develop our new products, but for some reason he's suddenly
become worried that we won't be able to sell them because of the language
they're written in!!  I know that C++ is here to stay and that it is
gaining widespread acceptance and use, but I need documented proof.  Can
anyone refer me to published articles/papers/surveys that show how many
people/companies/institutions are now using C++, that tell how many
(and which) computer vendors provide C++ as a supported language, and
that give indications of the projected growth in the use of C++ ?  Other
types of information that might be useful include things like attendance
numbers at both the USENIX C++ Workshop and C++ Conference, numbers of
education seminars or courses offered in C++, etc.  Any pointers will be
greatly appreciated!!

   - Ken Garnett           e-mail: sunpeaks!unicads!ken@Sun.COM
     Unicad, Inc.              or: ....!ncar!{sunpeaks|boulder}!unicads!ken
     1695 38th Street
     Boulder, Colo.  80301         (303) 443-6961

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (09/30/89)

Regarding convincing your CEO: at the OOPSLA last year, at the C++
birds-of-a-feather session, we got estimates from all the C++ vendors
and distributors of how many units they have sold.  Perhaps the same
poll can be taken again this year.

Of course, you can always tell him that Apollo has been selling C++
for some time, Sun has announced it, Apple is (I think) alread
shipping it for the Mac as part of MPW (or they will be soon), and
Microsoft has announced that they'll be providing a C++ product.
We also heard at OOPSLA last year that Mentor Graphics decided to
write all new code in C++ from now on.  Perhaps famous names like
that will make a soothing impression.

Dan Weinreb		dlw@odi.com		Object Design, Inc.