[comp.lang.c++] AT&T C++ v2.0 & 4.3BSD

khj@uncecs.edu (Kenneth H. Jacker) (09/30/89)

( Sorry if this has already been discussed ... )

Is AT&T's C++ v2.0 source distribution (easily) portable to 4.3BSD?

Kenneth H. Jacker               Domain:   khj@uncecs.edu
Dept of Math Sciences           BITNET:   khj@ecsvax
Appalachian State Univ          UUCP:     ...!ecsvax!khj
Boone, NC  28608

ggs@ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Griff Smith) (10/01/89)

In article <1989Sep30.155821.20528@uncecs.edu>, khj@uncecs.edu (Kenneth H. Jacker) writes:
> ( Sorry if this has already been discussed ... )
> Is AT&T's C++ v2.0 source distribution (easily) portable to 4.3BSD?
> -- 
| Kenneth H. Jacker               Domain:   khj@uncecs.edu
| Dept of Math Sciences           BITNET:   khj@ecsvax
| Appalachian State Univ          UUCP:     ...!ecsvax!khj
| Boone, NC  28608

You don't have to port it, the makefile already has entries for
4.3BSD.  The 2.0 release includes support for 4.3BSD header files
(along with SunOS 3, SunOS 4, Alliant, HPUX, UTS and 4.2BSD headers).
It took me a few days to install it on a Tahoe, some VAXen, and some
Suns, but that included filing problem reports.  The problems were
minor, and easily fixed by someone who could manage to get 1.2 working.
Griff Smith	AT&T (Bell Laboratories), Murray Hill
Phone:		1-201-582-7736
UUCP:		{most AT&T sites}!ulysses!ggs
Internet:	ggs@ulysses.att.com