[comp.lang.c++] TOOLS '89 Conference

neville_franks%632.306@fidogate.fido.oz (Neville Franks) (10/09/89)

Original to: all

Hi, I have just received a flyer on the TOOLS '89 Technology of 
Object-Oriented Languages and Systems conference, which is on in Paris 
from Nov 13-15 1989.  It sounds very interesting, and I was curious if 
any one out there is going.  Paris is a long way from OZ, but it sounds 
like the conference could be extremelly worthwhile.  Apart from the cost 
one of my concerns is that it only goes for 3 days, which sounds to me 
like there will be an awefull lot crammed into those 3 days.  Can anyone 
provide any more information ??

Thanx in advance


 * Origin: d'Bridge Support/ANZ-ASIA [7:833/380]. (Opus 3:632/306)