[comp.lang.c++] Class documentation

wright@hsi.UUCP (Gary Wright) (10/05/89)

I have recently been trying to learn about the various C++ class libraries
that are available (NIH, ET++, Interviews, CommonView) and have found little 
or no documentation that I would find helpful.  Instead, I have had to
examine the code itself.

For software to become truly reusable, I should be able to pick up a
catalog or read an on-line document that describes the complete
interface to a class.  In this way, I can determine if the class will
meet my needs without having to purchase the implementation.

This would require that there be a standard way of documenting the
interface to a class.  In C++, some form of the .h file for the class
would seem appropriate.  Unfortunately, simply using the .h file is not
a solution.  Private details of the class are not hidden, and the lack
of helpful comments (at least in the class headers I have examined in
NIH and ET++) makes the header file almost useless.  The extremely
terse coding style that C and C++ promotes does not help in providing
clear documentation either.

Has anybody developed an automated method for producing helpful and
*readable* class interface documentation?

In article <4132@pegasus.ATT.COM> 
psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) writes:
>If you want more information, you should order the appropriate C++
>Language System Release 2.0 documents:
>	Reference Manual: $25, select code 307-146
>	Library Manual: $35, select code 307-145
> 	Selected Readings: $30, select code 307-144
>	Release Notes: $20, select code 307-090

This seems to be a partial solution. I still would like to be able to
call AT&T, and say "I am interested in your complex arithmetic
classes.  Could you please send me the interface description for them?"
If we really want to create an environment in which classes can be
purchased from any number of suppliers the customer should not be
expected to pay for the sales literature.
Gary Wright 					...!uunet!hsi!wright
Health Systems International                    wright@hsi.com

newsuser@lth.se (LTH network news server) (10/06/89)

In article <662@hsi86.hsi.UUCP> wright@hsi.com (Gary Wright) writes:
>Has anybody developed an automated method for producing helpful and
>*readable* class interface documentation?

Yes, I have written a AWK program that produces a standard UNIX man-page
from a C++ header file.  It will format and to some degree rearrange the
contents of the .h file, but it is not supposed to throw away anything.

The parsing is *very* simple and requires a certain programming style.
For example, a class definition must start with the keyword `class' as
the first word of a line, and the class must end with `};' on a
separate line.  The AWK program has evolved from my private programming
style (and works very well), but it does not handle every legal C++

I have enclosed a small example below.  It looks nicer if printed on
a laser printer, of course.

The program (called `classdoc') is available free of charge and warranty.
Please note that it is written for the `new' AWK or the GNU look-alike
`gawk'.  The old standard AWK does not have functions, for example.

Comments are gratefully accepted.

Source file: ================================================================

// This is a generic list package in C++.  Any kind of object can be the 
// member of such a list, but specialized list types are normally created for
// each type of object.  An element can be the member of many lists at a time.
// Before an object is destructed, it must explicitly be taken out of any lists
// (otherwise there will be pointers left pointing to deallocated space).
// .SS Performance
// The list is implemented as an array of pointers.
// Inserting elements at the front of the list (Insert)
// is cheap; removing elements (except the first) and inserting at the end
// is more expensive.  Assignment and passing a list as a VALUE parameter
// requires copying of the pointer array, and is therefore expensive; pass
// lists as "const reference" parameters instead.
// .SS History
// Author: Dag Bruck.

#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

#include "defs.H"

typedef void* Pointer;

class GenericList {
friend class GenericIterator;
  // Constructs a list with no elements.

  // Destructs list.  The elements in the list are not
  // destructed.

  void Insert(Pointer);
  // Inserts an element first in list.

  void Append(Pointer);
  // Inserts an element last in list.  Not as efficient as Insert().

  void Remove(Pointer);
  // Removes an element from list. The element is not destructed.
  // It is o.k. to remove an element which is not a member of the list.

  unsigned Length();
  // Returns the number of elements in list.

  GenericList(const GenericList&);
  // Used for passing parameters and return values.

  Pointer* p;
  // Array of pointers to actual member objects.

  unsigned n;
  // Number of elements in list.

  unsigned size;
  // Maximum number of elements in list.

inline unsigned GenericList :: Length()
{ return n; }


Documentation: ==============================================================

lis.H(C++)                                             lis.H(C++)

     This is a generic list package in C++.  Any kind  of  object
     can be the member of such a list, but specialized list types
     are normally created for each type of  object.   An  element
     can be the member of many lists at a time.  Before an object
     is destructed, it must explicitly be taken out of any  lists
     (otherwise  there  will be pointers left pointing to deallo-
     cated space).

     The list is implemented as an array of pointers.   Inserting
     elements  at the front of the list (Insert) is cheap; remov-
     ing elements (except the first) and inserting at the end  is
     more  expensive.   Assignment  and passing a list as a VALUE
     parameter requires copying of  the  pointer  array,  and  is
     therefore expensive; pass lists as "const reference" parame-
     ters instead.

     Author: Dag Bruck.

CLASS GenericList
     class GenericIterator;

  Public members
       Constructs a list with no elements.

       Destructs list.  The elements in the  list  are  not  des-

     void Insert(Pointer);
       Inserts an element first in list.

     void Append(Pointer);
       Inserts an element last in  list.   Not  as  efficient  as

     void Remove(Pointer);
       Removes an element from list.  The  element  is  not  des-
       tructed.   It  is o.k. to remove an element which is not a
       member of the list.

     unsigned Length();
       Returns the number of elements in list.

     GenericList(const GenericList&);
       Used for passing parameters and return values.

  Private members
     Pointer* p;
       Array of pointers to actual member objects.

     unsigned n;
       Number of elements in list.

     unsigned size;
       Maximum number of elements in list.

     inline unsigned GenericList :: Length()
     { return n; }

     void* Pointer;



ClassDoc 2.1        Last change: Oct  6 09:00                   2


Dag M. Bruck
Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag@control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (10/07/89)

I don't know about "automatically" generating the documentation, but most
helpful for me is to have on-line unix-style manual pages.  If one is
serious about writing reusable classes, one ought to at least have the
motivation to write a manual page on them.  One shouldn't have to read code
to figure out how to use someone else's classes.

And PLEASE name your manual page after your class name.  I can't tell you
how tired I get of failing on "man complex" and then having to search my
file system to find what gd manual page name the info on the complex classes
is stored under.

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (10/09/89)

In article <662@hsi86.hsi.UUCP>, wright@hsi.UUCP (Gary Wright) asks how
to document a C++ class.  The solution we've used in AT&T (and here I
speak as a customer, not as a producer) is to either:

o  write a manual page for the whole class, with all public (and maybe
protected?) member variables and functions, and giving references to
friend functions; or

o  write a manual page for the class, with a general overview, and
references to other manual pages.  For example, cplx.intro(3C++) has a
few words about description and diagnosis, and says to see also
cartpol(3C++), cplxerr(3C++), cplxops(3C++), and cplxtrig(3C++).

There's usually a tutorial floating around somewhere, too.

> In article <4132@pegasus.ATT.COM> psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) writes:
> >If you want more information, you should order the appropriate C++
> >Language System Release 2.0 documents:
> >	Reference Manual: $25, select code 307-146
> >	Library Manual: $35, select code 307-145
> > 	Selected Readings: $30, select code 307-144
> >	Release Notes: $20, select code 307-090

> This seems to be a partial solution. I still would like to be able to
> call AT&T, and say "I am interested in your complex arithmetic
> classes.  Could you please send me the interface description for them?"
> If we really want to create an environment in which classes can be
> purchased from any number of suppliers the customer should not be
> expected to pay for the sales literature.

Excuse me?  The interface description is *not* "sales literature."  The
design of the interface, as much or more than the implementation of the
classes, is the *product*.  That's true of third party C function
libraries today.

I don't see a time where there'll be standardized C++ classes, and lots
of competition to provide them.  If a class is standardized, the
language processor vendor will probably supply it.

(Even when class interfaces are standardized, user documentation will
always be part of the total product.  When the ANSI C standard is
finally made official, you'll be able to get a copy of the standard
for a few bucks; but you won't be able to call Microsoft and say, "I'm
interested in your C compiler's library.  Could you please send me the
reference manual?")

> Gary Wright 					...!uunet!hsi!wright
> Health Systems International                    wright@hsi.com

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!pegasus!psrc, psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.

wright@hsi.UUCP (Gary Wright) (10/09/89)

In article <4148@pegasus.ATT.COM> psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) writes:

>Excuse me?  The interface description is *not* "sales literature."  The
>design of the interface, as much or more than the implementation of the
>classes, is the *product*.  That's true of third party C function
>libraries today.

If the design of the interface is the product, why is there such a vast
difference in price between a reference manual and the implementation?

Perhaps "sales literature" was a bad choice of words.  I would
like to have a way to examine a class without purchasing the entire 
"reference manual".  Some sort of documentation that fills the gap
between sales literature and a reference manual is what I am looking
for.  If this is not feasible, why not?

Assuming that we are talking about documentaion at the level of
"reference manual", Dag M. Bruck in <1989Oct6.080134.11338@lth.se>
provided an interesting example of "automated" documentation.  At a
minimum, perhaps some standard man page headings can be proposed.  Part
of the problem is that even within a class, the description of a member
function tends to be quite informal.  The use of pre-conditions,
post-conditions and invariants in Eiffel to describe a class and its
routines leads to documentation that is concise and to the point.
Comments can be used to describe a condition that is
computationally expensive or difficult to describe formally.  While
Eiffel supports these notions in the language itself, there is no
reason why the technique can not be used in any language including

>I don't see a time where there'll be standardized C++ classes, and lots
>of competition to provide them.  If a class is standardized, the
>language processor vendor will probably supply it.

It is too bad that there aren't de-facto standardized C++ classes.
C++ is in desperate need of a standard data structures library so that
programmers do not need to post to the net to see if anybody has a
{list, graph, stack} class they could use.
Gary Wright 					...!uunet!hsi!wright
Health Systems International                    wright@hsi.com

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (Jim Adcock) (10/10/89)

>(Even when class interfaces are standardized, user documentation will
>always be part of the total product.  When the ANSI C standard is
>finally made official, you'll be able to get a copy of the standard
>for a few bucks; but you won't be able to call Microsoft and say, "I'm
>interested in your C compiler's library.  Could you please send me the
>reference manual?")

I won't have to call Microsoft.  I'll just look it up using on-line searches
of their CD-ROM documentation.

I think more and more companies are going to head towards CD-ROMS for 
publishing their software and/or documentation en mass, and what people
will be paying for is a "license to use" with maybe an attached password.

Hopefully, programmers will not continue to be stuck with "shrink-wrap"
licensing that prevents you from even reading about the product before
you buy it.  This really sucks.  Also, I refuse to accept the idea that
the design of a class interface represents a unique marketable product.
This would allow companies to fragment the C++ user community by locking
software writers into a particular vendor's C++ libraries.  Customers and
competitors need to be able to design "work-alike" libraries, or we're 
never going to get anywhere with "software reusability."  C++ customers
need to be able to use the same core set of libraries whether writing on
MS-DOS, un*x, cloniks, portables, transportable, minis, mainframes, or supers.