[comp.lang.c++] vgridnefs for c++

neal@cs.rochester.edu (Neal Gafter) (10/12/89)

> The /usr/lib/vgrindefs on may sun-4 does not have C++ entry.
> Who has it ? Would you like to post it ?

Sure.  I did this one a couple of years ago.  I'm not sure the
keywords are up-to-date.

# This entry is for C and C++ source code.
#	Neal Gafter <neal@cs.rochester.edu>
	:kw=asm auto break case char class const continue default delete\
	do double else enum extern float for friend fortran goto if\
	inline int long new operator overload private protected\
	public register return short\
	signed sizeof static struct switch this typedef	typeof union unsigned\
	virtual void volatile while #define #else #endif #if #ifdef #ifndef\
	#include #undef # ## define endif ifdef ifndef include undef:
Arpa:	neal@cs.rochester.edu (Neal Gafter)
UUCP:	...{allegra|decvax|rutgers|cornell|cmcl2|ames}!rochester!neal
USnail:	Department of Computer Science, U. of Rochester, N.Y. 14627
phone:	(716) 275 - 1348 (office)  or  (716) 473 - 2361 (home)