[comp.lang.c++] vgrind's language definition for c++

nieh@nnn.crd.ge.com (10/11/89)

The /usr/lib/vgrindefs on may sun-4 does not have C++ entry.
Who has it ? Would you like to post it ?

Thanks in advance.

Ko-Haw Nieh

General Electric Company            | nieh@crd.ge.com
Corporate Research and Development  | uunet!crd.ge.com!nieh
P.O BOX 8, K1-ES224 		    | FAX : 518-387-7258
Schenectady, NY 12301               | TEL : 518-387-7431  

sxm@philabs.philips.com (Sandeep Mehta) (10/12/89)

In article <NIEH.89Oct11092332@nnn.crd.ge.com>, nieh@nnn writes:
>The /usr/lib/vgrindefs on may sun-4 does not have C++ entry.
>Who has it ? Would you like to post it ?
>Thanks in advance.

may be old ?

       asm     auto    break   case    char    class   const   continue        \
       default define  delete  do      double  else    else    endif   enum    \
       extern  float   for     friend  goto    if      if      ifdef           \
       ifndef  include inline  int     long    new     operator                \
       overload public private register return short   sizeof  static  struct  \
       switch   this    typedef undef   union   unsigned        virtual void   \
       while   :
sxm@philabs.philips.com                             ...to be or not to bop ?