[comp.lang.c++] Help choosing OO C

sarima@gryphon.COM (Stan Friesen) (10/08/89)

In article <72713@linus.UUCP> walters@community-chest.mitre.org (Chris Walters) writes:
>Our group is trying to decide which object oriented version of C to
>use for project development on our NeXT workstations.
>It is not clear to us whether we should be using Objective-C or GNU
>g++.  Can someone give a quick summary of the various features of
>each, and any advantages/disadvantages of choosing one over the other?
	Niether, use a real C++ compiler, perhaps even get the ATT
cfront source code.  C++ (including g++) produces much more efficient
code than Objective-C.  And if you intend to ever sell your application
you really do not want to deal with the confusing g++ copyleft stuff.
(The efficiency of C++ is important in graphics applications, which are
compute intensive to begin with)
Sarima Cardolandion			sarima@gryphon.CTS.COM
aka Stanley Friesen			rutgers!marque!gryphon!sarima
					Sherman Oaks, CA

phd_ivo@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (10/09/89)

>>use for project development on our NeXT workstations.
>>It is not clear to us whether we should be using Objective-C or GNU
>>g++.  Can someone give a quick summary of the various features of
>>each, and any advantages/disadvantages of choosing one over the other?

And, g++ is not at all easy to bring up on a NeXT machine. This alone
will take substantial effort.

I wish NeXT would support g++ since I like the ability to define operators
and I like garbage collection. Then again, I would use these features
mostly only for constructing a matrix extension to C, that would allow me
to do such things as

	A = B + C

where all three variables are matrices...

/ivo welch	iwelch@agsm.ucla.edu

fischer@iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) (10/11/89)

In article <20717@gryphon.COM> sarima@gryphon.COM (Stan Friesen) writes:
>>It is not clear to us whether we should be using Objective-C or GNU
>>g++.  Can someone give a quick summary of the various features of
>>each, and any advantages/disadvantages of choosing one over the other?
>	Niether, use a real C++ compiler, perhaps even get the ATT
>cfront source code.

And GNU C++ is just about the only C++ *compiler* available for UNIX
pmachines. Remeber, AT&T cfront is a C++- -> C translator, which makes
debugging quite a bit more complicated, and makes compiling take far
more time.

>And if you intend to ever sell your application
>you really do not want to deal with the confusing g++ copyleft stuff.

Now that the FSF (the GNU people) have removed the copyright notices
from the runtime libraries, this should prove much less of a problem.
You can't use the GNU C++ Library (libg++) in commercial applications,
but the compiler should be OK.

Copyright 1989 Lars Fischer; you can redistribute only if your recipients can.
Lars Fischer,  fischer@iesd.auc.dk, {...}!mcvax!iesd!fischer
Department of Computer Science, University of Aalborg, DENMARK.

"That makes 100 errors; please try again" --TeX

david@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (David E. Smyth) (10/13/89)

walters@community-chest.mitre.org (Chris Walters) writes:
>Our group is trying to decide which object oriented version of C to
>use for project development on our NeXT workstations.
>It is not clear to us whether we should be using Objective-C or GNU

You have not seen the Application Builder or you would not be
asking this.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.  When on a NeXT, use Objective-C.