[comp.lang.c++] Software Evolution and Object Oriented Approaches

opdyke@cbnewse.ATT.COM (william.opdyke) (10/14/89)

Suppose you worked in a software development organization where
the c++ or g++ programming language was used.  You are handed
an arbitrary c++ or g++ program that "works", and are told that 
you will be responsible for evolving/maintaining the program for 
the next year or two.  The person who originally developed the program
is unavailable for consultation (they quit the company).  Modification
requests will begin arriving in several weeks.  Until then, you'll have
time "free" to study the program, modify it to make it more re-usable,
or do whatever else will prepare you to maintain the program.

 - How would you go about studying the program?
 - What types of changes might you consider to make the program more re-usable?

Thanks in advance for responding.