(ROBERT) (10/11/89)
Is anyone using PforCe++? PforCe++ is a product for MsDOS consisting of a large number of C++ routines for building special purpose data-base systems. It included routines for making b-trees, hash searching, and screen and keyboard interfaces. The copy I purchased was for Glockenspiel C++ version 1.1x and Microsoft C version 4. It doesn't work under the latest version of Glockenspiel C++ and Microsoft C 5. (I have recompiled the source but I haven't tried very hard to do any translation, possibly the problem is in the mixing of C and C++ routines). PforCe++ is now a discontinued product, and I get there impression that there is no help from the present owner (Polytron Corp). So has anyone out there updated PforCe++?
tek@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (Tom Klempay) (10/14/89)
<I tried mailing direct, but it bounced back> In article <> you write: > >Is anyone using PforCe++? Yep, I used it for about 3 months. Don't mean to sound harsh, I thought it was a piece of junk. This was about a year and a half ago and I'm glad I haven't have to touch it since. Their support people were lousy and I got tired of fixing pointer problems in their own code. >Microsoft C 5. (I have recompiled the source but I haven't tried very hard >to do any translation, possibly the problem is in the mixing of C and >C++ routines). I also started with MSC 4.0 and C++ 1.1. I then upgraded to MSC 5.0 and C++ 1.2 and asked the PforCe++ for help in upgrading their libraries. After about 2 weeks of phone calls to their support (and no answers), I posted the question to the net and had an answer in a day. I recompiled all the C and C++ libraries and stuffed the resulting object code into a new .lib file. I didn't recompile the assembler code; just left it as is and it worked for what I needed. >PforCe++ is now a discontinued product, and I get there impression that >there is no help from the present owner (Polytron Corp). Of course, there wasn't much help when it was an active product :-). Tom Klempay NCR Corporation E&M Atlanta ...!ncrlnk!ncratl!tek