[comp.lang.c++] the secret bang

strick@osc.COM (henry strickland) (10/15/89)

// Here's one for your C++ puzzle book.
// Without looking below, try specifying the type signature "reference
// to pointer to integer" (int* &) using the empty "[]" operator 
// instead of the "*" operator.  Then try getting it right.
// Now try specifying it with the secret "!" operator.
// The correct signature with the "[]" operator is function r1() below.
// Curious to AT&T cfront2.0 is the undocumented postfix-bang operator.
// It can only be used in type declarations, to mean the same thing as
// the prefix-star operator or the postfix-empty-brackets operator.
// The secret bang is demonstrated in v4(), v5(), and r4().
// However I can't get r5() to work, so maybe it's not exactly the same, 
// or maybe the precedence of the operators in the grammer won't allow it,
// or maybe I'm trying the wrong stuff.  Can anyone fix r5(), 
// or figure out why you can't?
// Any conjectures why the secret bang is there?  Wasn't postfix "!" a
// dereference operator in BCPL?  Know of any other C or C++
// implementations that accept it?
//						strick
//						strick@osc.com
//						(recently strick@gatech.edu)
// P.S.  Let's no one argue about its merit as a feature of C++.  It's
//       not, and will never be, and should never be.  It's just curious!

// =======================================================================

// Pass an (int*) by value:  These all specify equivalent signatures.

int	v0	( int * )	;	
int	v1	( int [] )	;
int	v2	( int *x )	;
int	v3	( int x[] )	;
int	v4	( int ! )	;	// using the secret bang
int	v5	( int x! )	;

// Pass an (int*) by reference:  These all specify equivalent signatures.

int	r0	( int* &)	;
int	r1	( int (&)[] )	;	// correct version of f5() and f8()
int	r2	( int* &x )	;	
int	r3	( int (&x)[]  )	;	// correct version of f7() and f9()
int	r4	( int (&) !)	;	// using the secret bang
//int	r5	( int (&x) !)	;	?? I can't get this to work ??

// These were my first guesses for the syntax of r1(), r3(), r4(), and r5().
// The following are all incorrect.

//int	r11	( int [] &)	;	// error: syntax error
//int	r33	( int &x[]  )	;	// error: array of references
//int	r44	( int ! & )	;	// error: syntax error
//int	r55	( int x! & )	; 	// error: syntax error

//int	r111	( int &[] )	;	// error: array of references
//int	r333	( int &x[]  )	;	// error: array of references
//int	r444	( int & !)	;	// error: array of references
//int	r555	( int &x ! )	; 	// error: array of references

// check to make sure the above do what I think.  These are all accepted. 

int v2 ( int* x ) { return *x; }
int v3 ( int* x ) { return *x; }
int v4 ( int* x ) { return *x; }
int v5 ( int* x ) { return *x; }
int r2 ( int* &x ) { return *x; }
int r3 ( int* &x ) { return *x; }
int r4 ( int* &x ) { return *x; }
int r5 ( int* &x ) { return *x; }


bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (10/17/89)

osc.com (henry strickland 415-325-2300) of the techwood toaster
pastry users group, georgia tech, Object-Sciences Corp (God's own startup)

// Curious to AT&T cfront2.0 is the undocumented postfix-bang operator.
// It can only be used in type declarations, to mean the same thing as
// the prefix-star operator or the postfix-empty-brackets operator.

Yuck. I thought we finally had gotten it out!

// Any conjectures why the secret bang is there?  Wasn't postfix "!" a
// dereference operator in BCPL? 

Infix ! is the BCPL subscripting operator. What you saw was a supposedly
removed fragment of an experiment to provide a representation for C and
C++ that could be written using the ISO 646 character set standard without
the use of national characters as operators.

FYI, ASCII is the US national version of ISO646 (assuming I got the number
right) and it has the curious feature that the 6 character codes designated
for alphabetic characters have been used as operators. Most European
languages have more letters in the alphabet than English and use those
character codes for those ``extra'' letters. In particular, if
I wants to write in my native language (Danish) I cannot also use the
symbols []{}\| when using a device with a ISO646 character set.

Someone from the Danish ISO committee and the Danish Unix Users' Group
me to find a representation that allowd them to write C++ in Danish and
other European languages. We havene't had much luck with the proposal
(you can find it in one of the EUUG newsletters from this year), but
! was the subscript operator, the replacement for [].

// P.S.  Let's no one argue about its merit as a feature of C++.  It's
//       not, and will never be, and should never be.  It's just curious!


mike@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (Mike Haertel) (10/17/89)

In article <1167@osc.COM> strick@osc.com (henry strickland 415-325-2300) writes:
>// Here's one for your C++ puzzle book.
> [ . . . ]
>// Curious to AT&T cfront2.0 is the undocumented postfix-bang operator.
>// It can only be used in type declarations, to mean the same thing as
>// the prefix-star operator or the postfix-empty-brackets operator.
>// The secret bang is demonstrated in v4(), v5(), and r4().
> [ . . . ]
>// Any conjectures why the secret bang is there?  Wasn't postfix "!" a
>// dereference operator in BCPL?  Know of any other C or C++
>// implementations that accept it?

Obviously, the use of a postfix "pointer" declarator obviates
the need for the (sometimes very tricky) parenthesization
of complex declarations.

Consider the (C) declaration:

	void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);

If we take ! as a postfix declarator that means the same as *
we get:

	void signal(int, void !(int))!(int);

which can literally be read from left to right.  Ravi Sethi
wrote a really neat paper about this.
Mike Haertel <mike@stolaf.edu>
``There's nothing remarkable about it.  All one has to do is hit the right
  keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.'' -- J. S. Bach