[comp.lang.c++] EC++ mailing list

masotti@usc.edu (Glauco Masotti) (10/19/89)

   Following my announcement of availability of EC++ I received mail from a
lot of you. Someone was asking information, someone was asking to make them
available the sources that they couldn't get by ftp. Someone else just thanked
me for making available something that could be useful to them. This made me
possible to set up a mailing list where I put everyone who I know is currently
using or interested in EC++.

The mailing list is:


Request to be added or cancelled from the list may be sent to:


   Making EC++ available through uucp seems at the moment a problem.  I mailed
a tarred, compressed, uuencoded version of the thing to all the people without
ftp access, who asked me to make them available EC++. However the mailer
bounced at some addresses becauce the message (~90K) was too long.  People
having this problem should perhaps ask a friend with ftp access to get the
stuff for them. Also the mailing list should help them to get the stuff from
someone else who already have it. This will save me a lot of troubles.
   Anyway if you are really interested in using EC++ and you cannot get it in
any way let me know and we should find a solution.

   Many of you also asked me to post the EC++.TUTORIAL, so I am gonna post it
right after this one. (Sorry for whom of you are not interested and for the
waste of bandwidth :-).

   Something that should interest who of you is trying to compile EC++ under
1.35.1 or 1.36.0 is this problem, pointed out and solved by David W. Forslund:

>>> g++ -g -c ECread.cc
>>> In method struct ECread *ECread::ECread ():
>>> ECread.cc:77: too few arguments for constructor `istream'
>>> In method struct ECread *ECread::ECread (char * (= "")):
>>> ECread.cc:83: too few arguments for constructor `istream'
>>> *** Error code 1

the solution is:

>>> Add the line:
>>> :source(0) 
>>> after each constructor for ECread::ECread in ECread.cc
>>> and remove the line 
>>>       source=0;
>>> This properly initializes the istream source. 

I had any problem with 1.35.0, so the error remained hidden, but the
following versions of g++ don't accept the original ECread.cc source.

   I hope you can take advantage of the mailing list to cooperate and help
each other. I tried to answer and to please everyone who sent mail to me in
the last two weeks.  I apologize in advance however because I may have very
little time to answer to everyone in some future occasions.

Thank you for your help, your interest and your appreciation.

--Glauco Masotti                     masotti@lipari.usc.edu