[comp.lang.c++] RCS/SCCS for DOS

Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (10/23/89)

In an article of <20 Oct 89 15:38:34 GMT>, (Walter Bright) writes:

 >RCS (Revision Control Software) is a pretty much standard unix utility
 >to do configuration control on ascii text files. Thus, it works on C
 >Fortran, C++, etc. with equal facility. Similar software is named SCCS.
 >It's available in various forms for most platforms, including DOS
 >(from Polytron).

Polytron's version of SCCS (PVCS) is great as long as you want to buy and  
integrate some of their other tools with it (PolyAWK, PolyMake, etc.) If  
you're just looking for a stand-alone RCS for DOS, Dave Burton's TLIB sells  
for much less and runs *much* faster. Both support networks and have all the  
expected bells and whistles. It's kinda like the difference between buying  
Microsoft C and Zortech C++ - Polytron vs. Burton is the same Goliath vs.  
David kind of situation... :-)