[comp.lang.c++] const char*& in cfront 2.0

neath@solar-1.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (10/17/89)

We have recently upgraded from version  1.2 to 2.0 of the  AT&T  translator and
are now having  problems  getting some of our code  to compile.  In particular,
references to literal character  strings seem to  be handled differently  under
some circumstances. Consider the following external declaration and function:

	extern bar (const char *const &s);
	char* s = "abc";

	void foo () {
	  bar (s); 
	  bar ("abc"); 

No problem here -- everything works as expected under both  versions of cfront.
Now take the following simple class definition and small function:

	class dummy {
	  dummy (const char *const &);

	void baz () {
	  dummy a(s); 
	  dummy b("abc");

Again, no problem trying to compile under both 1.2 and 2.0 versions  of cfront.
However, if I now explicitly add a constructor  to  dummy that has no arguments
and try to compile, I get the following:

	class dummy2 {
	  dummy2 ();
	  dummy2 (const char *const &);

	void baz2 () {
	  dummy2 a(s); 
	  dummy2 b("abc");

	% CC2 -c dummy2.C
	"dummy2.C", line 8: error: bad argument list for baz2::baz2() 
	(no match against any  baz2::baz2())
	1 error

This same code works find under version 1.2 of cfront. I  do not understand why
this causes an error? Is there something wrong with what I am trying to do that
generates an error because of the tightening of dismabiguity  rules in 2.0? Any
help and/or insight into this problem will be greatly appreciated!

Martin Neath <neath@dsg.ti.com>
 DISCLAIMER: As always, the opinions expressed above are strictly my own
 and do not reflect those of my employer, Texas Instruments.

jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera) (10/24/89)

>   class dummy2 {
>   public:
>     dummy2 ();
>     dummy2 (const char *const &);
>   };
>   void baz2 () {
>     dummy2 a(s); 
>     dummy2 b("abc");
>   }
>   % CC2 -c dummy2.C
>   "dummy2.C", line 8: error: bad argument list for baz2::baz2() 
>   (no match against any  baz2::baz2())
>   1 error

Using cfront /* <<C++ Translator 2.0 Beta 6 04/12/89>> */, the
eleven line program fragment above generates two errors:

    $ CC -c dummy2.c
    CC dummy2.c:
    "dummy2.c", line 8: error:  s undefined
    "dummy2.c", line 8: error: bad argument list for dummy2::dummy2() (no match against
     any  dummy2::dummy2())
     CC: 2 errors

Something is seriously wrong with the baz2::baz2() error message,
since baz2 is a function, not a class.