harold (12/11/82)
#N:hp-pcd:8200008:000:1535 hp-pcd!harold Dec 10 14:37:00 1982 As a Star Wars fan, here's my two cents worth-- When Luke went into the cave for his TEST, the being he was fighting was *NOT* Darth Vader. Remember that when he had defeated the being, the face mask dissolved, revealing an image of *LUKE SKYWALKER*! Why is this significant? Is it significant? Both are good questions. Two items which I would like to throw out for consideration: First, could Luke's failure in the cave have been his attempt to destroy his *dark* half rather than subdue it? The idea that the evil side of a person is vital to his ability to be courageous, strong-willed, and a leader has been presented many times in sci-fi (remember Capt. Kirk when he was divided into good and bad 'clones' by the transporter?). This includes the idea that the reason that Luke did not need his weapons while in the cave was because the conflict between the good and bad is an internal struggle. It is person subjugating one side by practising and perfecting the other. It is fought within the confines of the 'soul'. The second item for consideration...... How did Luke's Dark Side get in there? Is that cave the source of all evil in the Universe? And, as the Master Jedi, is Yoda the only being who can keep those forces in check. All of the above are thoughts for your consideration and not necessarily the personal beliefs of the author, disclaimer, disclaimer, etc., etc. **NO FLAMES PLEASE** Forever Yours in the Force, Harold