[comp.lang.c++] Should we use C++?

tkacik@rphroy.UUCP (Tom Tkacik) (10/10/89)

We are starting a large software project, and are considering using C++
as the implementation language.  It is expected that this will be used by
many people, and will have to be maintained by different people, on several
different systems.

Is C++ ready for use yet?  I have heard of several different versions of C++.
AT&T C++ ver. 1.2,  AT&T C++ ver. 2.0,  g++-1.35, Zortech C++, etc.
and that there are differences between them.

I am questioning the stability of C++.  How much further change will there be?
Should we go ahead and use the C++ 1.2 that we got from our vendor?
Should we attempt to get the new version 2.0?
Is g++-1.35 (or 1.36?) ready for use, and similar enough to C++2.0 that we will
not notice the difference?

Basically, 1) are the differences between the different current versions small
enough that code will be portable between them, and
2) will future changes to the language be small enough that we
will not have to change much of the code in the future?

Thank You.

Tom Tkacik		GM Research Labs,   Warren MI  48090
uunet!edsews!rphroy!megatron!tkacik		Work Ph: (313)986-1442
"If you can't stand the bugs, stay out of the roach-motel."  Ron Guilmette

dog@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (edward.n.schiebel) (10/11/89)

From article <17898@rphroy.UUCP>, by tkacik@rphroy.UUCP (Tom Tkacik):
> We are starting a large software project, and are considering using C++
> as the implementation language.  It is expected that this will be used by
> many people, and will have to be maintained by different people, on several
> different systems.
> Is C++ ready for use yet?

>  I have heard of several different versions of C++.
> AT&T C++ ver. 1.2,  AT&T C++ ver. 2.0,  g++-1.35, Zortech C++, etc.
> and that there are differences between them.
The latest and most up-to-date is AT&T's Releasee 2.0.  FSF's g++ is
right there too, but deviates from the specifications in the C++ 
Reference Manual in a few ways.

> I am questioning the stability of C++.  How much further change will there be?
> Should we go ahead and use the C++ 1.2 that we got from our vendor?
> Should we attempt to get the new version 2.0?
Definitly go for Release 2.0.
> Is g++-1.35 (or 1.36?) ready for use, and similar enough to C++2.0 that we will
> not notice the difference?
Depends on the features of g++ you use that C++ doesn't support and
visa-versa.  I wish I could give you details, but I am not intimate
with g++.
> Basically, 1) are the differences between the different current versions small
> enough that code will be portable between them, and
> 2) will future changes to the language be small enough that we
> will not have to change much of the code in the future?
There are significant differences (improvements!) between C++ 1.2 and 2.0.
Use a 2.0 based product (of which g++ is a very close relative).

A short anecdote:
I attended the Usenix C++ Workshop in Santa Fe to gear myself up for a
new project we were going to write in C++.  One of the speakers presented
his view that itwould take a year to learn C++/object-oriented 
programming. Well I was distraught.  I spoke to Bjarne about this and he
agreed it would take the time BUT at the end of the year the project
would be much farther along than if we had gone with C.  I took his
advice and he was right.  We accomplished things I seriously doubt would
have been possible otherwise.

Go for it!

	Ed Schiebel
	AT&T Bell Laboratories

gregk@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (gregory.p.kochanski) (10/11/89)

As a relatively long-time user of C++ (over 1 year!), I'd say it's
useable.  I suffer withdrawl symptoms when I have to program in C.
AT&T C++ 2.0 seems (based on a week of use) to be pretty bulletproof,
and the class libraries are quite useful.
Trash your AT&T C++ 1.2 versions; 2.0 is a major improvement.

As far as the various versions go, they are almost upwards
compatible.  If you have someone around who understands the old code,
it is simple to make the few changes necessary to go from 1.2 to 2.0.
Even without understanding of the code, I expect that it wouldn't
be hard.

I haven't tried G++, but I have tried Glockenspiel's 1.2 port to MS-DOS.
It worked well, but did not have the memory to compile anything
large (this is as of 9 months's ago).  Zortech can handle large
programs, and is excellent for learning C++, but version 1.07
had too many bugs to be used for a serious project.
Zortech will be out with a new version soon (I've recieved a beta test
copy); it is improved, but the beta test version has bugs (of course),
so it's useability will depend on whether or not they do a good
clean-up job on the final release.

Sorry for the advertisement, but that is truth as I see it.
My opinions are my own; companies don't have opinions, just policies.
Greg Kochanski AT&T Bell Laboratories gpk\@physics.att.com

vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (10/13/89)

	Don't expect to use gnu g++ 1.35.x for work involving multiple
inheritance.  There are also other 2.0 'isms that g++ 1.35 will not
handle.  There is a prerelease of g++ 1.36 available that has been
sufficient to support my uses of multiple inheritance, but the
official g++ 1.36 has not yet been released.  My experience with a
slightly out-of-date prerelease of 1.36 is that virtual base classes
do not work.  I've noticed that the prerelease fixes a few 2.0 'isms
that 1.35 didn't handle, but I certainly haven't tested it
	This is a slightly different topic, but it might be valuable
info.  I have been mixing 1.35 compiled code with 1.36.0- compiled
code without difficulty.  I've had to do this because the InterViews
library cannot be compiled with 1.36 (it is still 1.2 compatible,
after all).  I sometimes swap back and forth between compilers because
the "other" one sometimes gives better error messages before crashing.
I compile anything that involves MI with 1.36.0-.  The one problem I
have had with linking code from the two compilers is that I have to be
sure to declare any 1.35 compiled functions to be overloaded before I
can use them in the 1.36 code.  This is only a problem for ordinary
(non-member) functions though.  I have unresolved problems when
InterViews .h files include inline function definitions that have 1.2
'isms in them (such as assigning to "this").  I suspect I will have to
modify the library code, if the InterViews crew doesn't do it for me.
	Take this message in perspective.  That is, at the moment, the
official g++ release is not up to MI.  It probably will be soon.  It
seems that ATT leapfrogged FSF in quality assurance this time, but
that isn't too surprising considering they were writing the spec and
FSF could only guess.

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (10/16/89)

In article <17898@rphroy.UUCP>, tkacik@rphroy.UUCP (Tom Tkacik) writes:
> We are starting a large software project, and are considering using C++
> as the implementation language.  It is expected that this will be used by
> many people, and will have to be maintained by different people, on several
> different systems.

This, more than anything, is probably the crux of the question.  Unless
you just want to use C++ as a "better C", you should use C++ on a new
project, rather as part of maintenance of existing code (which is
unlikely to be object oriented!-)  But you should probably use it on a
small project first.  And you darned well had better be prepared to pay
the education costs, in staff-hours more than in dollars.  (All of this
is true for *any* new software technology, be it a new language or CASE
or inspections or whatever.)  (Well, surely inspections are good on old
code, but that's not important right now.*)

> Is C++ ready for use yet?  I have heard of several different versions of C++.
> AT&T C++ ver. 1.2,  AT&T C++ ver. 2.0,  g++-1.35, Zortech C++, etc.
> and that there are differences between them.

Not the least of them being the platforms they support.  Zortech C++
runs under MS-DOS.  G++ never will.  AT&T cfront 1.2 has been ported;
2.0 is presumably being ported by the same folks as we speak.

> I am questioning the stability of C++.  How much further change will there be?
> Should we go ahead and use the C++ 1.2 that we got from our vendor?


> Should we attempt to get the new version 2.0?

Yes.  You should be aware of the differences, and prepare to deal with
them; that mostly means taking advantage of the new 2.0 features.  But
you can certainly write code that compiles under both versions.  It may
take some work, but not much.  (I've done this.)

> Basically, 1) are the differences between the different current
> versions small enough that code will be portable between them, and

I think so.

> 2) will future changes to the language be small enough that we
> will not have to change much of the code in the future?

Probably; but you'll probably want to.  The features on the horizon (no
promises here, from me or the compay) are parameterized types and
exception handling.  With those in place, we should then see some nice
general-purpose classes.

> Tom Tkacik, uunet!edsews!rphroy!megatron!tkacik

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!pegasus!psrc, psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.
*And don't call me Shirley!

wmm@sdti.com (William M. Miller) (10/19/89)

In article <5286@cbnewsm.ATT.COM> gregk@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (gregory.p.kochanski,mh,) writes:
>Zortech will be out with a new version soon (I've recieved a beta test
>copy); it is improved, but the beta test version has bugs (of course),

I called Zortech this morning.  The new 2.0-compatible version will be
available November 1, with a $40 upgrade fee to current owners.  Alternatively,
they can upgrade to a "developers' version" that includes the new C++
debugger, the toolkit, and the library source for $300.  (Retail pricing
is $200/$450 for the two items.)
Non-disclaimer:  My boss and I always see eye-to-eye (every time I look in
the mirror).


wmm@sdti.com (William M. Miller) (10/19/89)

In article <17898@rphroy.UUCP> tkacik@rphroy.UUCP (Tom Tkacik) writes:
>Is C++ ready for use yet?

Yes, definitely.  It has been used profitably in many situations already.
Bjarne and company are *extremely* careful about the evolution of the
language, and upward compatibility of existing code is one of the most
important factors they consider.

>I am questioning the stability of C++.  How much further change will there be?

There is a major change between 1.2 and 2.0.  The most important features of
that change were multiple inheritance, type-safe linkage, better control over
storage allocation, and some new overloadable operators, although a number
of other important things were also included.  The current Zortech compiler
is at a not-quite 1.2 level, although mostly compatible except for bugs; a
2.0 compiler is slated to be available on November 1.

However, the only large areas of additional features currently anticipated
as relatively near-term items are parameterized types (templates) and
exception handling.  The parameterized type design was published in the
1988 USENIX C++ Conference Proceedings, and while there has been no iron-
clad guarantee that the final design will be identical in every respect, I
believe it will be quite similar.  The proposed exception handling mechanism
will be the subject of a paper presented by Bjarne and Andy Koenig at the
C++ at Work conference the first week of November, so nearly everything
will be known in broad outline and in most significant details within a

Another stabilizing factor (I hope!) is the formation of an ANSI standard
C++ Committee.  The organizational meeting of X3J16 will be held in
Washington on December 5.  The fact that the industry is willing to form
a standard committee at this stage of C++'s development is, I think, a
reflection of the belief that the language is relatively mature and will
not continue evolving rapidly for very much longer.

>Should we go ahead and use the C++ 1.2 that we got from our vendor?

Yes.  As I said, 2.0 is nearly completely upward compatible.  Aside from
a couple of minor items (e.g., the fact that the declaration of any class
for which constant objects were created will have to be edited to declare
constant member functions), mostly 1.2 code will be usable unchanged.  You
should *definitely* become familiar with the extensions of 2.0, however,
so you don't inadvertantly do things the hard way without realizing that
a better way is available in the new version.

>Should we attempt to get the new version 2.0?

Absolutely!  Use of 1.2 should be viewed only as an interim step until you
can get 2.0.  Many of the grossities of 1.2 are eliminated or at least
alleviated in 2.0.

>Basically, 1) are the differences between the different current versions small
>enough that code will be portable between them, and
>2) will future changes to the language be small enough that we
>will not have to change much of the code in the future?

Answer to both questions: Yes, provided you keep your eyes open.  In parti-
cular, if you use g++, you *must* keep in mind what are nonstandard
extensions in that environment because you won't find them anywhere else.
John Carolan gave a pretty good talk on C++ programming for portability
last February at Software Development '89; he might be willing to send you
a set of the slides if you asked him (he's at Glockenspiel in Ireland; I
don't have either the email or the regular mail address for them handy,
but I'm sure someone does).

Non-disclaimer:  My boss and I always see eye-to-eye (every time I look in
the mirror).


shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (10/25/89)

As much as I like Mike and respect what he has done, Gnu C++ isn't
C++.  Mike has elected, for various reasons, not to implement some
features and to alter others.  By and large, the things he has elected
not to implement aren't a problem for most people.

His handling of one or two things, however, creates interesting
problems, notable when things get inlined.

I would choose C++ 2.0 over G++.

Jonathan S. Shapiro
Synergistic Computing Associates