[comp.lang.c++] puzzle/problem/yet another new feature

othar@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Othar Hansson) (10/26/89)

Hoping not to invoke the wrath of the anti-featurists, I'd like to
pose the following problem, whose solution calls for a new language

Imagine that I had a really nice matrix class definition, and wrote
the following code:

#include "reallynicematrixclass.h" 
matrix A,B,C,D,E;

...  // give the matrices bounds, and fill them with values

matrix ANSWER = A * B * C * D * E;   // use matrix::operator*(matrix&, matrix&)

Now, if I remember, C++ and C will parenthesize this expression from
left to right, evaluating A*B first, etc.  However, one of the first
things we learn in a class on algorithms is the dynamic programming
example of optimizing the order of matrix multiplications.  Depending
on the matrix bounds, this might be the parenthesization which runs
the fastest:

ANSWER = (A * B) * ((C * D) * E)

For those who aren't familiar with this problem, consider the case
where C has 1 row, and E has 1 column -- then C*D*E ends up being a
1x1 matrix, which is pretty cheap to multiply by A*B (note that B must
have 1 column also).  You can construct examples where the cost ratio
(optimal evaluation order/left-to-right) is arbitrarily high.  The
example is also generalizable beyond matrices, to the evaluation of
arbitrary expressions of arbitrary types.

In this case, where the bounds are run-time defined, the programmer
can't parenthesize the expression in advance.  In C++ version 8.0, how
are we going to allow the code to decide order of evaluation at
run-time?  It would be nice if, for every operatorX(), there were a
costX(), which estimates the cost of the operation X for particular
arguments, and when the order of operation is not specified and
costX() is defined, code is generated which checks the costs and then
produces a cheapest order of evaluation.  Anyone have any other
examples, or other ideas on how to solve this puzzle?

I'm not seriously suggesting adding this to the menagerie of C++
language features, but things like it are certainly already appearing
in theorem-provers, etc.

Othar Hansson
CS Division
UC Berkeley

jack@odi.com (Jack Orenstein) (10/26/89)

In article <32164@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> othar@ernie.Berkeley.EDU (Othar Hansson) writes:
>Imagine that I had a really nice matrix class definition, and wrote
>the following code:
>#include "reallynicematrixclass.h" 
>matrix A,B,C,D,E;
>...  // give the matrices bounds, and fill them with values
>matrix ANSWER = A * B * C * D * E;   // use matrix::operator*(matrix&, matrix&)
>Now, if I remember, C++ and C will parenthesize this expression from
>left to right, evaluating A*B first, etc.  However, one of the first
>things we learn in a class on algorithms is the dynamic programming
>example of optimizing the order of matrix multiplications.  Depending
>on the matrix bounds, this might be the parenthesization which runs
>the fastest:
>ANSWER = (A * B) * ((C * D) * E)
>In this case, where the bounds are run-time defined, the programmer
>can't parenthesize the expression in advance.  In C++ version 8.0, how
>are we going to allow the code to decide order of evaluation at

Probably the same as in 1.2 or 2.0. Define matrix::operator+,
operator*, etc. to construct a tree representing the expression. Then,
when the value of the expression is needed, e.g. in assignment to
ANSWER above, or in a comparison, optimize and evaluate.

Jack Orenstein
Object Design, Inc.

peter@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Peter Schroeder) (10/26/89)

>operator*, etc. to construct a tree representing the expression. Then,
>when the value of the expression is needed, e.g. in assignment to
>ANSWER above, or in a comparison, optimize and evaluate.
>Jack Orenstein
>Object Design, Inc.

Does anybody have PD code that does this? I'd love to see some of it as a
learning aid. (Plus, it seems to hairy to reinvent if somebody already did


jack@odi.com (Jack Orenstein) (10/27/89)

In article <893@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> peter@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Peter Schroeder) writes:
>>operator*, etc. to construct a tree representing the expression. Then,
>>when the value of the expression is needed, e.g. in assignment to
>>ANSWER above, or in a comparison, optimize and evaluate.

>Does anybody have PD code that does this? I'd love to see some of it as a
>learning aid. (Plus, it seems to hairy to reinvent if somebody already did

I'll bet that someone working with CSG (constructive solid geometry)
representations in C++ has done this. Instead of addition and
multiplication, there is union and intersection of 3d primitives,
(there are other operations as well). Since you're at MIT, try someone
involved with mechanical CAD or solid modelling.

Jack Orenstein
Object Design, Inc.