[comp.lang.c++] Function pointers

starr-page@CS.Yale.EDU (Page Starr) (10/26/89)

Why does the following code fragment compile (under CC and G++(1.36.0-))

typedef int (*pfi)();
 pfi c;

as well as

int (*pfi)();

But the following does not (syntax error)

int (*pfi)();

and neither does the following...

int (::*pfi)();

typedef seems to get around the problem (can typedef in main() OK as well),
but shouldn't be necessary...

What will you say to the Revolutionary Committee, when it assumes power?
CSnet:   starr@cs.yale.edu			BITNET:  starr@yalecs.BITNET
ARPAnet: starr%cs.yale.edu@relay.cs.net		Phone:	 (203)432-1215
USmail:  Page Starr, Box 2158 Yale Station, New Haven, CT  06520

shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (10/28/89)

   int (*pfi)();

Compiles fine under C++ v2.0.  Thought you'ld like to know.

Jonathan Shapiro
Synergistic Computing Associates