[comp.lang.c++] Graphics libraries for c++

bill@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (william.clark) (10/28/89)

The way I figure it...  some industrious software outfit ought
to be developing C++ graphics libraries (particularly for the PC).

The way I see it...  I'm too stupid and too lazy to write my own.

It seems to me... that "you can call C routines from C++" won't
do since you could do such nice things like derive shapes from
a base class to allow polymorphism, overload << to include crt
windows, printers, and plotters on the l.h.s. and graphics objects
on the r.h.s, etc.

I would hope that... Zortech and Co. should be coming out with
something like this soon.

I would imagine that... there will be some comments

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (10/31/89)

In article <2474@cbnewsl.ATT.COM> bill@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (william.clark) writes:
<The way I figure it...  some industrious software outfit ought
<to be developing C++ graphics libraries (particularly for the PC).
<I would hope that... Zortech and Co. should be coming out with
<something like this soon.

It's part of the Zortech C++ 2.0 package.