[comp.lang.c++] incremental conversion from C to OO

yost@esquire.UUCP (David A. Yost) (10/28/89)

Consider the case of a large existing C program that is
being maintained and extended.  Now one gets the idea
to migrate the program incrementally to an OO language.

Here are some alternatives:

I.   Languages-by-C-extension, such as C++ or Objective-C:

     No muss, no fuss.  Simply switch to the new
     compiler, start using the OO features here and
     there among the existing code, and before you know
     it, presto!  You have an OO program!

     (Seductive.  But will you respect yourself in the
     morning?  You've bought into a language that put
     compatibility above all, that held on to all the
     complexities of a low-level language and
     compounded them with the complexity of OO features
     struggling to coexist.  I think it's high time for
     a clean, please-make-it-incompatible, higher level
     language.  At some point you have to let go of the
     details to move up.  Remember when we migrated
     from assembler to C?  Remember all the low level
     control we gave up?  Just as we let go of register
     allocation, so must we now let go of memory
     allocation (for example).  I love to ponder our
     fate if instead of C, Bell Labs had given us a
     language called, say, "incr_asm".  Then imagine
     extending that language to be OO.  Wow, full
     control!  It's like a CEO trying to do all the
     jobs in a big corporation all the time.)

II.  Non-C-derived languages such as Eiffel:

     Link the existing C code with external code in
     the new language.

     A.  Using vanilla C:

	 Using external objects is notationally ugly,
	 and you have to live without some or all of
	 the benefits of type checking, exception
	 handling, garbage collection, etc.

     B.  Using a compatibly extended C:

	 I am suggesting here a preprocessor for an
	 ANSI C superset language that would have
	 enough extensions to manipulate objects
	 maintained in Eiffel (as a client, not a
	 parent or heir) and would possibly also
	 transparently insert code for example, to
	 support exception handling in the Eiffel code.
	 In effect, you would be extending C to make
	 available more powerful types, (which can be
	 garbage-collected, can handle exceptions,
	 etc.) but you would leave to Eiffel the
	 implementation of those types.  The Eiffel
	 environment could even keep track of the
	 external type declarations without the need
	 for header files in the C code, much as Eiffel
	 now works within its own code.

I like the idea of this last approach because it could
allow you to migrate a large program slowly to a new
language without the need for that language to also
serve as C or for C to try to be a full-blown OO
language.  To convert, one might slowly change the C
program by a mix of these strategies:
  * using library objects from the OO side
  * moving large blocks of functionality from the C
    side to the OO side

Now we raise the question: is it really a good idea
to try to migrate an existing program to OO or is it
better (quicker, more maintainable) in the long run
to redesign from scratch in the new language using OO
design?  (If the latter is true, then it is all the
more clear that there is no contest between a cleanly-
designed higher-level OO language and a compatible C

It is an attractive notion (though short-sighted) to
simply switch a program to C++ or Objective-C and start
getting the benefits of OO right away, but does it work
so smoothly in practice?

Would some experienced hands out there tell us the
good, the bad, and the ugly about real experiences
migrating existing code to OO?

 --dave yost

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (10/30/89)

In article <1530@esquire.UUCP>, yost@esquire.UUCP (David A. Yost) writes:
> Now we raise the question: is it really a good idea to try to
> migrate an existing program to OO or is it better (quicker, more
> maintainable) in the long run to redesign from scratch in the new
> language using OO design?  (If the latter is true, then it is all
> the more clear that there is no contest between a cleanly- designed
> higher-level OO language and a compatible C extension.)

Hmmm.  This is one of my warm buttons (I'm too jaded to have *hot*
buttons, okay?-)

First of all, it seems like no one's ever proud of the code they
maintain, not even if they wrote it.  I'm maintaining fifteen to twenty
thousand statements of C code that I didn't write.  A friend of mine is
responsible for a (very roughly) similar amount of software that he was
called in to write two or three years ago.  Each of has looked at what
we've got, and what we're being asked to do, and has been overcome by
the feeling that we could do a better job if we tossed it all and
started fresh.

I got over this urge by talking with one of the quality folks here.  He
related the story of how one program (in an organization with lots of
time pressure) had been written by one person, and passed on to four
successive maintainers.  *Each* of the four had rewritten the code from
scratch.  Now, either at most one of the five was a competent
programmer, or this "fresh start" business is maybe more egotism than
real promise.  (This is purely anecdotal evidence; I ought to ask the
quality guy to study this more carefully, if possible.)

Second, how far back are you going to go?  My instinct would be to
reverse engineer the (non-object-oriented) design from the code (you'll
be able to re-assemble a lot of the low level stuff in your OO design),
then reverse engineer the requirements from the design, and only then
start doing a new design.  But will you end up re-evaluating your
requirements?  Yeah, sure, that's a good thing to do, make the
customers happier with the final product.  But will you still be in
that business (will your firm still be in business at all) when your
perfect product finally ships?

>  --dave yost

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!pegasus!psrc, psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.

jwd@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (joseph.w.davison) (10/31/89)

In article <1530@esquire.UUCP> yost@esquire.UUCP (David A. Yost) writes:
>Consider the case of a large existing C program that is
>being maintained and extended.  Now one gets the idea
>to migrate the program incrementally to an OO language.
>Here are some alternatives:
>I.   Languages-by-C-extension, such as C++ or Objective-C:
>     No muss, no fuss.  Simply switch to the new
>     compiler, start using the OO features here and
>     there among the existing code, and before you know
>     it, presto!  You have an OO program!
>     (Seductive.  But will you respect yourself in the
>     morning?  You've bought into a language that put
>II.  Non-C-derived languages such as Eiffel:
>     Link the existing C code with external code in
>     the new language.
>     B.  Using a compatibly extended C:

	Why not use C++ or Objective C in THIS manner?  They're
already extended enough to define the classes you need.  So, build
a class EiffelObject and tie it to Eiffel...

>Now we raise the question: is it really a good idea
>to try to migrate an existing program to OO or is it
>better (quicker, more maintainable) in the long run
>to redesign from scratch in the new language using OO

	Well, It depends on how rich you are, and how long your
customers are willing to wait.  If the "Legacy" (the system that has
been handed down and needs to be migrated) took 5000 Staffyears to 
get to where it is now, even if the answer to the question is obviously
YES, it IS better, and it IS more maintainable.  And even if your
productivity enhancement in switching to GOODS (the Great OO
Development System) is at least 10, the task may still be 500
StaffYears.  OK, you're going to do even better -- take another factor
of 10.  Can you and your customer affort 50 Staffyears?  (How about for
systems 10X larger?  100X? )

	I suspect that for LARGE systems one wants a hybrid approach, where
one can identify subsystems that have not been changing much in recent times,
and they can be left largely intact, using approach I where necessary.
Other subsystems will have been changing much more rapidly.  Those I
would consider doing a full redesign, and use approach II to connect to 
the old system.  

If one considers the issue from an Analysis of Algorithms viewpoint, I
think you will find that, just as in sorting, the optimal way to solve
the problem depends on the size of the problem. 

>It is an attractive notion (though short-sighted) to
>simply switch a program to C++ or Objective-C and start
>getting the benefits of OO right away, but does it work
>so smoothly in practice?
	Somehow, changing compilers doesn't seem like it's going to
make major improvements...

 Joe Davison      jwd@ihlts.att.com