[comp.lang.c++] Class library reuse

davidl@hpcll11.HP.COM (David Leger) (11/11/89)

There have been discussions in this group about class libraries and some of the
issues for effective reuse of software.  I'm relatively new to this group, but
what I have seen discussed mostly, is the lack of a standardized way to document
the components in a class library.  Some people have developed tools to 'create'
documentation from source and this is good.  But what interests me more, is
the overall problem of effective reuse of class libraries.  By effective, I 

      1) Ease at which a problem can be characterized for an effective query of
	 the class library.

      2) Ability to jump quickly between all of the classes that satisfy an
	 initial query.

      3) Ability to quickly determine whether a class satisfies the initial 

      4) A way to pursue 'leads' from classes that don't quite fit the stated
         needs to others that might.

What issues are there that prevent users of class libraries from reusing more

What types of 'general' class libraries should be available?

With current technology, are there ways to automate any of steps that are
necessary for class reuse?

What tools would be important to have for class library reuse?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance, 


                            - "There is a fine line between feeling    
			      'the challenge', or just being lost."
			                            David Leger
