[comp.lang.c++] More neophyte curses questions

emb978@leah.Albany.Edu (Eric M. Boehm) (11/14/89)

I got a quick response to my last request (how to scroll a window down
-- winsertln() at the top of the window will do so). Now, I have 2 more
complex questions.

1. How do I overlay windows and restore what I previously hid? For
example, I write a 10x10 window at position 2,2. I write another window
at position 2,2 (also 10x10). I want the second window to overwrite the
1st window, but when the second window goes out of scope, I want to
erase it and have the 1st window still in place. Everything I've tried
so far tells me that once the first window is overlayed or overwritten,
it's gone.

2. My second question is a little more abstract. I set up a 3 line
window. I put 6 lines of text into it. When I scrolled the window, I
*did not* see the 4th line. What I am attempting to do is to create a
viewport on text that may be bigger than the window. I want to be able
to jump to a certain line and figured I would do so by moving or
scrolling the viewport. I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong
or my understanding is quite imperfect. Any suggestions would be

Again, please respond by email. Thanks in advance. In case you didn't
see my previous message, this is for Sun UNIX 4.2 Release 3.5 using
cfront 1.2.

Eric M. Boehm