[comp.lang.c++] Ada allows one-char names

spf@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (Steve Frysinger of Blue Feather Farm) (11/17/89)

From article <ROWE.89Nov16140835@stella.cme.nist.gov>, by rowe@cme.nist.gov (Walter Rowe):
> billwolf> To C hackers, who are accustomed to single-letter variables,
> long variable/procedure/function names.  I support giving variables
> meaningful names, just not unsightly long ones.

I've been enjoying this debate, but for the sake of clarification I must
point out that Ada permits one-character variable names, and that most
C compilers I know allow variable names as long as Ada allows.  So I
submit that variable name length is irrelevant to this discussion.

Just wanted to keep folks who don't know Ada (or C) from misunderstanding!

Steve Frysinger