[comp.lang.c++] Zortech innocent! Postman guilty! Bozo apologizes!

wgh@ubbpc.UUCP (William G. Hutchison) (11/22/89)

This is regarding my earlier comments that Zortech, Inc. of Arlington, Mass.,
USA had not managed to get me onto their mailing list for notification of 

When I picked up my mail recently at my private mail box (which normally gives
me much better service than the U.S. Mail), I made some interesting 

(1) I received a Zortech C++ 2.0 update notice POSTMARKED AUG. 7, 1989.
(2) I also received some mail addressed to Merck, Sharpe, and Dohme with the
    same postmark.
(3) I also received mail for C&S advertising: these names are not even close
    in spelling to my name.

After much ratiocination and reflection, it appears that Zortech is not the
guilty party here.  I hereby apologize to Zortech, Inc., Walter Bright, and
everybody on Usenet whose time and bandwidth I have wasted with this trivial
contretemps [ excuse me, I think I will crawl under a rock ... ].

Bill Hutchison, DP Consultant	rutgers!cbmvax!burdvax!ubbpc!wgh
Unisys UNIX Portation Center	"Unless you are very rich and very eccentric,
P.O. Box 500, M.S. B121         you will not enjoy the luxury of a computer
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