[comp.lang.c++] CFP--USENIX C++ conference

waldo@apollo.HP.COM (Jim Waldo) (11/28/89)

Call for Papers:  USENIX C++ Conference

     USENIX is pleased to host its second full C++ conference in San Francisco,
California, April 9-11, 1990.  We intend this conference to be of interest to a
broad range of C++ users and potential users.  Even if you have never written a
C++ program, you will probably be able to learn enough from the tutorials to
follow the technical sessions.  This announcement provides early information
about the date of events as well as persons to contact for further information.
The pre-registration packet containing detailed Conference information and
hotel reservation information will be mailed in January, 1990.

     The meeting headquarters will be the San Francisco Marriott Hotel.

Schedule of Events

Tutorials, April 9

     The tutorial program is ideal for people who have been thinking about
using C++ but haven't had the opportunity to learn it as well as experienced
users of and researchers in the language.

     Please contact the program chair if you are interested in giving a
tutorial or have a topic you would particularly like to see covered.

Technical Sessions, April 10-11

     The technical sessions will cover the spectrum of work on and with C++,
spanning the diversity of its users and applications, and showcasing current
research and development.  The technical sessions will focus on the current
strengths and weaknesses of the language, show where it is and where it is
going, and act as a forum for discussion of its future.

     Papers are solicited on all aspects of C++, including:

        Programming environments
        Case studies
        New or improved implementations

     Extended abstracts (no more than 2 pages) or papers (9-12 pages) must be
received, either electronically (preferred) or on paper, by Friday, January 12,
1990.  Authors will be notified of acceptance by February 5 and must submit a
full paper electronically and in camera-ready form by April 9.

     Queries about the technical program and all electronic submissions
(n/troff, TEX, or PostScript preferred) or camera ready copies should be
directed to:

        Jim Waldo
        CHR 03 DE
        Apollo Computer
        300 Apollo Drive
        Chelmsford, MA  01824
        waldo@apollo.com  or  decvax!apollo!waldo
        (last resort) (508) 256-6600, ext. 5747

Program Committee:

        Jim Waldo          Apollo Computer, chair
        Andy Koenig        AT&T
        James Coggins      Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
        Martin O'Riordan   Microsoft
        Geoff Wyant        Apollo Computer
        Roy Campbell       Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
        Peter Canning      Hewlett Packard