[comp.lang.c++] Need info on C++ training

rdunn@applix.com (Ray Dunn) (11/29/89)

If someone has some pointers to companies that offer training classes
for C++, would you please Email them to me, and if you know of multiple
companies please indicate which you feel are the best. Thanks.

(Please *email* as I don't normally read this group.)

Ray Dunn, APPLiX Inc., Westboro, MA
...uunet!applix!rdunn    rdunn@applix.com

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (12/02/89)

In article <1010@applix.com>, rdunn@applix.com (Ray Dunn) writes:
> If someone has some pointers to companies that offer training classes
> for C++, would you please Email them to me . . .

AT&T offers C++ seminars in various cities across the country
(Princeton, Chicago, Dublin [Ohio], Sunnyvale, Los Angeles, and
Atlanta, I think).  For information, call 800-544-6400.  If you're
calling from outside the U.S., there's not a single non-800 number to
call; the Princeton office is 609-639-4500.

AT&T also has video training courses.  For informaiton, call
800-242-4860 or 904-636-1322.

> (Please *email* as I don't normally read this group.)

(I've both posted and sent e-mail.)

> Ray Dunn, ...uunet!applix!rdunn, rdunn@applix.com

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!pegasus!psrc, psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
Maybe just this once, I *am* speaking for the company.