[comp.lang.c++] G++ for 386?

jehics@ultb.isc.rit.edu (J.E. Heliotis) (12/01/89)

One of my esteemed colleagues has told me that he has fetched G++, and that it
comes with support for 80386 code generation.  However, it does NOT include
this option in the comfiguration script.  This means I would, I assume, have
to edit lots of files manually before making the system.

So I was wondering - has anyone created a modified configurator that includes

In case it matters, I have an AT&T 6386 running System VR3.2 from AT&T.

				Jim Heliotis

jackv@turnkey.gryphon.COM (Jack F. Vogel) (12/03/89)

In article <1678@ultb.isc.rit.edu> jehics@ultb.isc.rit.edu (J.E. Heliotis) writes:
>One of my esteemed colleagues has told me that he has fetched G++, and that it
>comes with support for 80386 code generation.  However, it does NOT include
>this option in the comfiguration script.  This means I would, I assume, have
>to edit lots of files manually before making the system.
I don't know what version of the compiler you were looking at, but this is
certainly not true. You should lay your hands on 1.36.1 and then just run
config.g++ i386v. Oh, and get 1.36 of gcc and make that first. It builds
and works without any significant problems. Great improvement over the
hassle getting 1.35 to work, it also is much faster, built libg++ in a
matter of minutes!!

Good luck.

Jack F. Vogel			jackv@seas.ucla.edu
AIX Technical Support	              - or -
Locus Computing Corp.		jackv@ifs.umich.edu