[comp.lang.c++] Is this legal? "T& b_ref

patrick@cos.com (Patrick Steranka) (12/03/89)

Is the following set of statements legal (where T is any class) ?
    T a;
    T b;
    T& a_ref = a;
    T& b_ref(b);

If so, what does the last line mean?  "T& b_ref(b)"
I was playing around and tried this and the compiler
didn't flag it as an error.  Is it an error?
If not, what does the last line mean?

patrick (Patrick Steranka @ Corporation for Open Systems)
	-- patrick@cos.com
	-- patrick%cos.com@uunet.uu.net
	-- {uunet, sundc, decuac, hqda-ai, hadron}!cos!patrick