[comp.lang.c++] Anyone broken the 640K limit w/ Glockenspiel?

paul@ppgbms (Paul Evan Matz) (12/01/89)

Was hoping someone out there might have some tips for dealing with the
640K memory constraints running a C++ application under DOS.  We've
got the version initially distributed by Oasys, which turned out to
be Glockenspiel's.  We are using release 1.2 E1, and the Microsoft C 
compiler.  The DOS system platform is DOS 3.3, with LIM 4.0.  Our
application is standalone (no network drivers or TSRs, except for
a touch screen sensor driver), so there arn't a bunch of drivers or
TSRs to relocate.  This is a Metawindows library, however.

The application is a user graphical interface that creates many
"display" objects which are kept around forever, and can not really
be organized into groups of mutually exclusive parts to make
overlaying too easy.

Some initial ideas:
a) switch to a more efficient compiler?
b) ways to overlay C++?
c) run some sophisticated memory manager?

Would *really* appreciate any advice.  Please direct any email to
the address below.

Thanks (wishful thinking)
|Regards,                           One Campus Drive        |
|Paul Matz                          PPG Biomedical Systems  |
|914-741-4685                       Pleasantville, NY. 10570|
path ppgbms!moe!paul@philabs.philips.com

comeau@utoday.UUCP (Greg Comeau) (12/04/89)

In article <21684@ppgbms.UUCP> paul@ppgbms (Paul Evan Matz) writes:
>Was hoping someone out there might have some tips for dealing with the
>640K memory constraints running a C++ application under DOS.

You don't say whether your problem is while compiling a C++ program
or while executing it.  In the former case, buy a C++ which supports
extended memory  (Glock via Imagesoft already has this and when our C++ --
Comeau C++ 2.0  -- is release for DOS this week or next it will include
this as well).  In the latter case, you could buy a memory extender yourself
and extend your programs relatively easily (in some cases absolutely no work
is necessary).  I'd imagine there's also drivers or whatnot out there to
give you LIM support as well.

Comeau Computing