[comp.lang.c++] MM Garbage Collector available now

ttwang@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Thomas Wang) (12/06/89)

The source code to the MM Garbage Collector will be available via anonymous
ftp from polyslo.calpoly.edu.  I plan to have it removed after about one week.

The location is tmp/mm.shar.Z.  The file thesis.doc contains the documentation
for MM.

The MM Garbage Collector is a collection of generic classes that provide the
programmar a quick way of building garbage collected objects.  One can either
make garbage collected class from existing non-garbage collected class, or
derive from the base garbage collected class.  A C-shell script is written
to semi-automatically generate the source files.

The MM Garbage Collector supports two kinds of garbage collection algorithm:
reference counting, and 'fake copy' garbage collection.  'Fake copy' is
a variant of Bartlett's collector.  The difference is that nothing is

'MM' is only tested under g++.  I know for a fact that 'MM' does not work
under cfront 1.2.  'MM' should compile under cfront 2.0 with some
modifications.  'MM' should be fairly portable; the only requirement is
that the system supports malloc(), and free().  It does not need to know
the registers or the stack format.

There are a lot of stuff that comes with the MM garbage collector.  I have
written a simple LALR parser generator using the MM package.  So you get it
together with the kitchen sink.

 -Thomas Wang (Anime drinking game - toast when you hear "Ayukawa!!!")


nadkarni@ashok.dec.com (12/06/89)

In article <1989Dec5.223402.24708@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU>, ttwang@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Thomas Wang) writes...
>The source code to the MM Garbage Collector will be available via anonymous
>ftp from polyslo.calpoly.edu.  I plan to have it removed after about one week.
>The location is tmp/mm.shar.Z.  The file thesis.doc contains the documentation
>for MM.
How about posting this to comp.sources.misc for those of us without
ftp access ? Thanks

/Ashok Nadkarni