[comp.lang.c++] Continuations

shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (11/28/89)

I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.

For those of you who are not already conversant with continuations,
the idea comes from Scheme (though it has earlier antecedents), and
looks like this:

     (lambda (continuation)

the call-with-current-continuation form potentially returns multiple
times, because the continuation can be saved to a global variable.  A
subsequent invocation can be done with:

   (continuation value-producing-form)

which causes a return from the call-with-current-continuation with
that value.

Logically, the continuation captures the future state of the program
at the point at which it was captured.  That is, it captures a pc, a
set of registers, and a stack.  Note that this implies garbage
collection of stack frames, because a live frame in an enclosing
context can be shared between a continuation and subsequent code.

Continuations have seen use as error handlers, because they look like
function invocations.  One can set up an exception handling routine,
capture it with a continuation, and use the continuation as a
"longjump" type mechanism to get out of a bad state.

Continuations are different from longjump in that they capture the
stack as well as the registers.

A detailed description can be found in the Revised Revised... Report
on scheme, which can be obtained via anonymous FTP from

Jonathan Shapiro
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (11/28/89)

In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:

   I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
   any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
   in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.

Hmmm.  Something in this caught my interest, but I'm not quite sure what.
Taking a purely object-oriented stab at it, might the idea of continuations be
implemented as merely messaging a static data area?  Is there more to it?
David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mt. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (11/29/89)

In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:

   I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
   any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
   in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.

They are just as useful in object-oriented programming as in straight
Lisp or Scheme.  However, continuations in the Scheme style are only
useful if full support is provided for lexical scoping.  C and C++
have no lexical scoping whatsoever.  So I agree that it is not
feasible to add them to C++.  Even lexical scoping alone, with or
without continuations, would be a great benefit, but I'm sure I'll
never see it in C or C++.

peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) (11/29/89)

In article <1989Nov28.183816.15252@odi.com> dlw@odi.com writes:
>In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>   I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
>   any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
>   in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.
>They are just as useful in object-oriented programming as in straight
>Lisp or Scheme.

How can you make this claim?

>However, continuations in the Scheme style are only
>useful if full support is provided for lexical scoping.  C and C++
>have no lexical scoping whatsoever.

I just had to reply when I saw this.  C and C++ are definitely "lexically
scoped" (I would prefer to call it statically scoped).


Peter C. Damron
Dept. of Computer Science, FR-35
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195


gateley@m2.csc.ti.com (John Gateley) (11/29/89)

In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
>any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
>in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.

I don't see why it would not be feasible, C++ has for loops and other
control structures, why not continuations as well?

As for object oriented continuations: A continuation is a technique for
modelling/creating flow of control. In pure object oriented systems, this
is done by message passing. Thus, a OO continuation would probably be something
which modelled a process: like a coroutine object, which you send messages
to (like resume). This is a half baked idea, but maybe worthwhile.


grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover) (11/29/89)

In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
>any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
>in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.

I do not know if you are talking about first-class continuations or not, but
in languages which are stack-based first-class continuations are not trivial
to add. (By stack-based I mean that the procedure entry exit sequance
behaves in a stack-like fashion) In C the idea of setjmp/longjump comes as
close to continuations as one can get. Admittedly, this is not as elegant as
Scheme's notion of continuation but workable in concept.

>Jonathan Shapiro
>Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Vinod Grover
Sun Microsystems.

shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (11/29/89)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.89Nov27231415@uunet.UU.NET> cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
>In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>   I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
>   any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
>   in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.
>Hmmm.  Something in this caught my interest, but I'm not quite sure what.
>Taking a purely object-oriented stab at it, might the idea of continuations be
>implemented as merely messaging a static data area?  Is there more to it?
>David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
>uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mt. View, CA  94043

I don't believe so.  What is interesting about continuations is that
they freeze an execution context into an object whose internals are
not exposed to the programmer, but which can be invoked at a later
time and passed a single value which is the value to return.  Since
the object can be saved outside of the scope in which it was defined,
the continuation can be returned from multiple times.

The reason messaging a static data area isn't enough is that you need
to preserve the stack, and portions of the stack can be shared between
the captured continuation and the main program thread.

As an example:

(if (call-with-current-continuation
     (lambda (cont)
       (set! *saved-continuation* cont)

When first run, the continuation is passed to the lambda, which saves
it and returns #f, causing the IF to fail.  At any later time, the
user can say:

(*saved-continuation* non-#f-value)

and the body of the if will be run, along with any code that ran
following the execution of the if the first time.  One could therefore
package up an error routine in a top level loop as shown above and
then implement

(define (recover-from error-type cause-info)
   (lambda (cont)
     (function-that-handles-error-type cont cause-info))))

(define (catch-math-error where-happened cause-description)
  (if (try-to-recover cause)
      (cont #t)
      (*saved-continuation-for-unrecoverable-math-error where-happened)))

And then say in the code encountering the error:

(if (recover-from 'math-error 'overflow)

Note that the "cont" can be invoked by any handler in the chain to get
back to the *original* context, and that if any of these pass #t to
the continuation, execution will continue appropriately.  If some
handler gives up and invokes the continuation with #f, we call
DIE-HORRIBLY, and presumably exit.

I don't know if that makes things clearer or not...

Jonathan Shapiro
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

barmar@think.com (11/29/89)

In article <128489@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> grover@sun.UUCP (Vinod Grover) writes:
>I do not know if you are talking about first-class continuations or not, but
>in languages which are stack-based first-class continuations are not trivial
>to add. (By stack-based I mean that the procedure entry exit sequance
>behaves in a stack-like fashion)

This is a circular argument.  It's the very existence of first-class
continuations in Scheme-like languages that causes them not to be
stack-based.  If Scheme didn't have continuations then it would be
stack-based, according to your definition.  Scheme is simply the result of
adding continuations to Lisp.  Of course, when you add them you have to
redesign implementations to handle them properly.  This means that you
can't always use a linear stack to implement activation records -- you may
have to allocate activations in the heap and garbage collect them.

Upward closures also require similar support.  First-class continuations
are simply an extension of upward closures to include control information
as well as variable bindings.
Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.


dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (11/30/89)

In article <9964@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:

   In article <1989Nov28.183816.15252@odi.com> dlw@odi.com writes:
   >In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
   >   I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
   >   any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
   >   in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.
   >They are just as useful in object-oriented programming as in straight
   >Lisp or Scheme.

   How can you make this claim?

Easy, I just press the keys, and...  Seriously, I have used
continuations in an object-oriented programming language (Lisp with
Flavors), for years, as have several of my former colleagues.  So I
feel pretty qualified to claim that they're useful.  Do you have any
more specific rebuttal than amazement that I could even say such a

   >However, continuations in the Scheme style are only
   >useful if full support is provided for lexical scoping.  C and C++
   >have no lexical scoping whatsoever.

   I just had to reply when I saw this.  C and C++ are definitely "lexically
   scoped" (I would prefer to call it statically scoped).

In a sense, C and C++ are lexically scoped, but only in a trivial
sense, since there are no internal procedures and no block structure.
So, you are technically right, and I should revise my statement to say
that continuations are only useful if the continuation can reference
variables of lexically enclosing blocks, and classic
"continuation-passing style" in the Sussman and Steele sense requires
further that they should be able to refer to such variables even if
the enclosing block is no longer being executed (what is traditionally
known in the Lisp/Scheme community as "supporting upward funargs").
Few languages support upward funargs; Common Lisp and Scheme are two
that do.  Many languages support downward funargs; Algol-60, Pascal,
and PL/I come to mind.  In C, you can pass a function around as an
argument, but there is no "lexical link" allowing it to reference
variables in its parent block; in fact, there are no parent blocks in C.
(It can refer to static and extern, but that's not the same thing.)

Dan Weinreb		Object Design, Inc.		dlw@odi.com

plogan@mentor.com (Patrick Logan) (11/30/89)

 >>From: grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover)
 >In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
 >>I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
 >>any number of reasons...
 >I do not know if you are talking about first-class continuations or not, but
 >in languages which are stack-based first-class continuations are not trivial
 >to add. (By stack-based I mean that the procedure entry exit sequance
 >behaves in a stack-like fashion) In C the idea of setjmp/longjump comes as
 >close to continuations as one can get. Admittedly, this is not as elegant as
 >Scheme's notion of continuation but workable in concept.
 >>Jonathan Shapiro
 >>Silicon Graphics, Inc.
 >Vinod Grover
 >Sun Microsystems.

To be more accurate, longjump is not workable in concept because a
longjump can only be executed once per setjmp. A continuation in
Scheme can be captured once and executed zero or more times. Things
become more complicated when you start considering nested setjmps
and longjumps.

For example, in my last article, I gave an example of a discrete event
simulator. There is no way on Earth to implement that with setjmp and

Essentially, setjmp/longjump implement a subset of what first-class
continuations implement. There is no way to implement first-class
continuations in C/C++ without fundamentally changing the semantics of
the language. At that point, you have to poke yourself in the eye with
a sharp object and ask yourself why do that?

Have fun.

Patrick Logan                | ...!{decwrl,sequent,tessi}!mntgfx!plogan 
Mentor Graphics Corporation  | plogan@pdx.MENTOR.COM                    
Beaverton, Oregon            |

mjl@cs.rit.edu (11/30/89)

In article <1663@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>... What is interesting about continuations is that
>they freeze an execution context into an object whose internals are
>not exposed to the programmer, but which can be invoked at a later
>time and passed a single value which is the value to return.  Since
>the object can be saved outside of the scope in which it was defined,
>the continuation can be returned from multiple times.
>The reason messaging a static data area isn't enough is that you need
>to preserve the stack, and portions of the stack can be shared between
>the captured continuation and the main program thread.

What is the essential difference between a continuation in Scheme and
the classic notion of a coroutine?  Coroutines have been around for
years (Conway's paper describing them came out in the '60s), and can be
found in Simula-67 (where they are used with the object metaphor to
represent the semi-independent entities in a simulation).  The
"processes" of Modula-2 are also ccoroutines. There are several
packages for C that implement "light weight processes", and these are
essentially ccoroutines (I have one available if anyone is
interested).  Finally, Stroustrup has a tasking package for C++ which
captures this concept.

This is not to deny that Scheme may have a more elegant, general,and
formal (and thus less ad-hoc) approach, but I think we have to be alert
enough to recognize essential similarities buried under surface
differences.  Have I found such a similarity here?

On a side note, aren't lexical scoping and continuations independent
concepts?  Why I couldn't define a consistent language with
continuations where the meaning of a variable depends on the dynamic
invocation sequence rather than static nesting?  I might not want to
*use* such a language (dynamic scoping makes it almost impossible to
understand a module/function in isolation) but that's an engineering
issue, not one of feasibility.

Mike Lutz
Mike Lutz	Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
UUCP:		{rutgers,cornell}!rochester!rit!mjl
INTERNET:	mjlics@ultb.isc.rit.edu

peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) (12/01/89)

In article <1989Nov29.225826.19483@odi.com> dlw@odi.com writes:
>In article <9964@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>>In article <1989Nov28.183816.15252@odi.com> dlw@odi.com writes:
>>>In article <1623@odin.SGI.COM> shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) writes:
>>>>I do not believe that it is feasible to add continuations to C++ for
>>>>any number of reasons, but I would be interested to hear the reactions
>>>>in this community regarding their utility in object-oriented programming.
>>>They are just as useful in object-oriented programming as in straight
>>>Lisp or Scheme.
>>How can you make this claim?

>Easy, I just press the keys, and...  Seriously, I have used
>continuations in an object-oriented programming language (Lisp with
>Flavors), for years, as have several of my former colleagues.  So I
>feel pretty qualified to claim that they're useful.  Do you have any
>more specific rebuttal than amazement that I could even say such a

The problem I have with including continuations into an object oriented
language is a philisophical one.  Objects should be self-contained and
hide information.  All interactions with objects should be through
the well defined methods of the object.  Now, if you add continuations,
there is the potential to pass the continuation outside of the object, thus
creating another entry point into the object that is not a member function.
I see this as an information hiding problem for continuations in OO languages.
Perhaps you can relate why this is not a problem in CLOS.

>>>However, continuations in the Scheme style are only
>>>useful if full support is provided for lexical scoping.  C and C++
>>>have no lexical scoping whatsoever.
>>I just had to reply when I saw this.  C and C++ are definitely "lexically
>>scoped" (I would prefer to call it statically scoped).

>In a sense, C and C++ are lexically scoped, but only in a trivial
>sense, since there are no internal procedures and no block structure.
>So, you are technically right, and I should revise my statement to say
>that continuations are only useful if the continuation can reference
>variables of lexically enclosing blocks, and classic
>"continuation-passing style" in the Sussman and Steele sense requires
>further that they should be able to refer to such variables even if
>the enclosing block is no longer being executed (what is traditionally
>known in the Lisp/Scheme community as "supporting upward funargs").
>Few languages support upward funargs; Common Lisp and Scheme are two
>that do.  Many languages support downward funargs; Algol-60, Pascal,
>and PL/I come to mind.  In C, you can pass a function around as an
>argument, but there is no "lexical link" allowing it to reference
>variables in its parent block; in fact, there are no parent blocks in C.
>(It can refer to static and extern, but that's not the same thing.)

Let's get this straight.

1. Lexical (static) scoping is orthogonal to both continuations and
   first-class functions.  C and C++ are fully lexically scoped langauges.
   Scoping has to do with naming -- which value does a name refer to.

2. C and C++ do not allow nested functions, but they do support block
   structure.  Thus the lexical scoping is not "trivial".

3. Continuations are orthogonal to first-class functions (e.g. languages
   that allow both upward and downward funargs) and are orthogonal to
   block structure.  It is not apparent to me that continuations are
   any less useful without block structure (though C and C++ have it anyway).
   It is also not apparent to me that continuations are any less useful
   without nested functions (though maybe more cumbersome).

4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
   parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.
   The reason that C and C++ do not allow nested functions is precisely
   so that they can have first-class functions implemented on a stack
   (e.g. no closure required).  The "parent block" of a function is
   simply the global variables.

Hope this helps to clear up any mis-understandings,

Peter C. Damron
Dept. of Computer Science, FR-35
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195


chewy@apple.com (Paul Snively) (12/01/89)

In article <1419@cs.rit.edu> mjl@cs.rit.edu writes:
> What is the essential difference between a continuation in Scheme and
> the classic notion of a coroutine?  Coroutines have been around for
> years (Conway's paper describing them came out in the '60s), and can be
> found in Simula-67 (where they are used with the object metaphor to
> represent the semi-independent entities in a simulation).  The
> "processes" of Modula-2 are also ccoroutines. There are several
> packages for C that implement "light weight processes", and these are
> essentially ccoroutines (I have one available if anyone is
> interested).  Finally, Stroustrup has a tasking package for C++ which
> captures this concept.
> This is not to deny that Scheme may have a more elegant, general,and
> formal (and thus less ad-hoc) approach, but I think we have to be alert
> enough to recognize essential similarities buried under surface
> differences.  Have I found such a similarity here?

No, but you've come very close.  It's trivially easy to implement 
coroutines using continuations, but they are not the same thing.

Explaining why continuations are more general than coroutines is a tad 
tricky.  George Springer and Dan Friedman have a new book out from The MIT 
Press, "Scheme and the Art of Programming," that devotes an entire chapter 
to continuations, and a section in that chapter to coroutines.  I'd advise 
looking there for a reasonably full treatment of the subject.

Just because I work for Apple Computer, Inc. doesn't mean that they 
believe what I believe or vice-versa.
C++ -- The language in which only friends can access your private members.

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (12/01/89)

Another question: what distinguishes continuations from generators?
`-_-' Peter da Silva <peter@ficc.uu.net> <peter@sugar.lonestar.org>.
 'U`  --------------  +1 713 274 5180.
"The basic notion underlying USENET is the flame."
	-- Chuq Von Rospach, chuq@Apple.COM 

barmar@think.com (12/01/89)

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>  Now, if you add continuations,
>there is the potential to pass the continuation outside of the object, thus
>creating another entry point into the object that is not a member function.
>I see this as an information hiding problem for continuations in OO languages.
>Perhaps you can relate why this is not a problem in CLOS.

CLOS makes no attempt to implement information hiding.  (slot-value
<object> <slot-name>) may be called from anywhere, not just methods.  In
CLOS, methods are just functions that know what the types of their required
arguments are, and they are invoked through generic function dispatching.

Lisp, in general, doesn't restrict the programmer's options for
philosophical reasons.  If the programmer wants to pass a lexical closure
out of a method, that's his prerogative.
Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.


shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (12/01/89)

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
>   parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.

>Hope this helps to clear up any mis-understandings,

Actually, Peter, it creates one.  C and C++ do not have fist class
functions.  Functions cannot be passed as values.  Function pointers
can, whcih is a somewhat different thing.  To be first class, it must
be possible to treat functions as *values* rather than as *labels*.
For example, the following is a syntax error:

int foo(int);
int bar(int);

foo = bar

If functions were first class, this would be altogether legal.

Otherwise, your posting was correct.

Jonathan Shapiro
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

twl@brunix (Ted "Theodore" (W) Leung) (12/02/89)

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
>   parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.
>   The reason that C and C++ do not allow nested functions is precisely
>   so that they can have first-class functions implemented on a stack
>   (e.g. no closure required).  The "parent block" of a function is
>   simply the global variables.
It seems like it would be useful to make a distinction between "first
class" functions which require their implementation via a closure, and
those which do not.  There is a fairly standard trick in the Scheme
community, which uses closures to create objects.  The closed over
variables are used to represent the local state of the object, and the
code of the closure is a big case statement which selects the correct
method to be invoked.  It seems to me that you cannot use C "first class"
functions to create objects, because they have no closure.....

I do think that C/C++ functions are not first class because it is not
possible to create a function on the fly the way that you can in LISP
or Scheme.


Internet/CSnet: twl@cs.brown.edu 	| Ted "Theodore" Leung
BITNET: twl@BROWNCS.BITNET		| Box 1910, Brown University
UUCP: uunet!brunix!twl			| Providence, RI 02912

allen@sbcs.sunysb.edu ( Allen Leung) (12/02/89)

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu>, peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
> 4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
>    parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.
>    The reason that C and C++ do not allow nested functions is precisely
>    so that they can have first-class functions implemented on a stack
>    (e.g. no closure required).  The "parent block" of a function is
>    simply the global variables.
> Peter.
> peterd@cs.washington.edu
> {ucbvax,decvax,etc.}!uw-beaver!uw-june!peterd

I must disagree.
C and C++ definitely *don't* have first class functions.  From
a function programming view point, type alpha is first class means that
values of alpha enjoy all the privilages granted to first class types.
In terms of C this means you are supposed to be able to do things like 
this with functions:

      int(*)() foo( int y; )
         int x;                  // if you can local declare int/float/* ....etc
         float r;
         char *a;
         int bar( int z )        // you should be able to local declare bar
         {  return y + z; }      // y is free in bar but bound in foo
         return bar;     


max@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Max Hailperin) (12/02/89)

In article <21989@brunix.UUCP> twl@boojum.UUCP (Ted "Theodore" (W) Leung)
>In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter
>C. Damron) writes:
>>4. C and C++ have first class functions.  
>>   ... no closure required ...
>It seems like it would be useful to make a distinction between "first
>class" functions which require their implementation via a closure, and
>those which do not.

As an asside to this discussion, it appears to me that closures can be
emulated relatively smoothely in C++.  The two key features that support
this are:
 1) The procedure-call operator can be overloaded, so that you can define
    a class of closure objects which can be called as if they were procedures.
    The constructor (lambda equivalent) can copy the closed-over variables
    into slots with the same name, so that then the procedure-call member
    function can use them.
 2) The notion of a reference type (explicit aliasing) allows the closures
    to share mutable variables that are in a common scope.

Of course, this is still a bit messy, but nothing compared with
emuating closures in C.  Also, there are other language features that
interact poorly with a higher-order style, limiting the utility.

I haven't actually used this technique (I'm lucky enough to have a
real lisp, instead of having to make C++ pretend it's one).  I'd be
very interested to hear from anyone who has.

dlw@odi.com (Dan Weinreb) (12/02/89)

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:

   The problem I have with including continuations into an object oriented
   language is a philisophical one.  Objects should be self-contained and
   hide information.  All interactions with objects should be through
   the well defined methods of the object.  Now, if you add continuations,
   there is the potential to pass the continuation outside of the object, thus
   creating another entry point into the object that is not a member function.
   I see this as an information hiding problem for continuations in OO languages.
   Perhaps you can relate why this is not a problem in CLOS.

Well, I admit that this is all rather hard to articulate.  I see
continuations as a control structure concept.  It is part of the way
you tell your computer program what to do next, how the locus of
control should move throughout the lines of code.  As such, it is
really orthogonal to the important concepts of object-oriented
programming: you can have loops in OOPS, and you can have recursion in
OOPS, so why not coroutines and continuations?

In this specific case, no, I don't think it creates a new
"entrypoint", although this statement is based on a concept of
"entrypoint" that I'm having trouble articulating.  Part of the
important point is that encapsulation is not violated, because only a
method of a class can create a continuation that continues within that
class.  I hope that explains what I mean; sorry I can't do better.

   Let's get this straight.

Yes, I used the terminology in an inexact (wrong) way, as I said in
recent postings.  I apologize.  I meant to say that C and C++ do not
have first-class nested functions that are block structured with
respect to their containing functions.

   3. Continuations are orthogonal to first-class functions (e.g. languages
      that allow both upward and downward funargs) and are orthogonal to
      block structure.

Hmm.  The only continuation-passing-style programs that I've ever seen
certainly spent a lot of time dealing with first-class objects that
were upward and downward funargs.  Perhaps you could sketch out an
extension to C that would provide continuations, without providing
such functional objects, and then I'd see what you're getting at.

mikpe@majestix.ida.liu.se (Mikael Pettersson) (12/02/89)

In article <1989Dec1.205817.5178@Neon.Stanford.EDU> mxh@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU (Max Hailperin) writes:
>As an asside to this discussion, it appears to me that closures can be
>emulated relatively smoothely in C++.
> [...]
>I haven't actually used this technique (I'm lucky enough to have a
>real lisp, instead of having to make C++ pretend it's one).  I'd be
>very interested to hear from anyone who has.

I have. The idea is this: whenever you want to create a closure with
type T, body B and (list of) free variables FV, you derive from an
abstract base class `funcT' a class `foo_funcT' with instance variables
`FV' and whose operator() does `B' when invoked. Something like this:

	(define (bar L)
	  (let ((i 1))
	    (for-each (lambda (item)
			(princ i)(princ ":")(print item)
			(set! i (1+ i)))

(assuming a left-to-right calling order in for-each, this should print
each item in the list L preceeded by its position in the list).
The C++ emulation could look like:

	class funcT {	// say: Obj->void
	    virtual void operator()(Obj);
	class ObjList {
	    friend void for_each(funcT&, ObjList);
	class foo_funcT : public funcT {
	    int& i;
	    foo_funcT(int& j) : i(j) {}
	    void operator()(Obj);
	void foo_funcT::operator()(Obj item) {
	    cout << i << ":" << item << "\n";
	void bar(ObjList L) {
	    int i = 1;
	    foo_funcT fun(i);
	    for_each(fun, L);

This technique handles downwards funargs quite nicely, upwards funargs
require explicit heap allocation.
Mikael Pettersson, Dept of Comp & Info Sci, University of Linkoping, Sweden
email: mpe@ida.liu.se or ...!{mcsun,munnari,uunet,unido,...}!sunic!liuida!mpe

kend@tekchips.LABS.TEK.COM (Ken Dickey) (12/03/89)

Sorry, you got me in a bad mood.  FLAME ON!

In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>The problem I have with including continuations into an object oriented
>language is a philisophical one.  Objects should be self-contained and
>hide information.  All interactions with objects should be through
>the well defined methods of the object.  Now, if you add continuations,
>there is the potential to pass the continuation outside of the object, thus
>creating another entry point into the object that is not a member function.
>I see this as an information hiding problem for continuations in OO languages.

So Smalltalk is not object oriented because it has blocks and returns
objects (remember that may be internal to/components of other
objects)?  How do you implement backtracking objects?  Having the
ability to deal with control flow in well structures ways is very
helpful.  It seems that you are trying to push everything through an
OO keyhole.  Functional interfaces are also well defined.  In
languages such as Scheme, you can program in functional, imparative,
OO, etc. styles as appropriate to the solutions you are trying to
structure.  There are real problems in trying to use a single paradigm
to cover all solutions.  Some just don't fit.

>Let's get this straight.
>2. C and C++ do not allow nested functions, but they do support block
>   structure.  Thus the lexical scoping is not "trivial".

In C you get a local/global namespace.  You don't have name scoping in
blocks nested more than 1 deep.  That's pretty trivial.

>3. Continuations are orthogonal to first-class functions (e.g. languages
>   that allow both upward and downward funargs) and are orthogonal to
>   block structure.  It is not apparent to me that continuations are
>   any less useful without block structure (though C and C++ have it anyway).
>   It is also not apparent to me that continuations are any less useful
>   without nested functions (though maybe more cumbersome).

I suggest that you look at some of the Scheme literature for examples
(e.g. Abelson & Sussman: "Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs", MIT Press/McGraw-Hill, 1985).

>4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
>   parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.

They cannot be unnamed.  They cannot be parameterized.  They are *not*
first class.

Perhaps a concrete example would help:

(define (curried-add x)
   (lambda (y) (+ x y)) )     ; returns an unnamed function

(define add3 (curried-add 3)) ; function is parameterized & bound
			      ; to a variable.

(add3 5) --> 8                ; usage: add 5 and 3 to get 8

>   The reason that C and C++ do not allow nested functions is precisely
>   so that they can have first-class functions implemented on a stack
>   (e.g. no closure required).  The "parent block" of a function is
>   simply the global variables.

Here you have something.  To quote from David Kranz's thesis ("ORBIT,
an optimizing Compiler for Scheme", Yale U, 1988; p. 9):
	  The important thing to realize is that Pascal and C are really just
	restricted subsets of Scheme, in particular those parts of Scheme
	which can be implemented efficiently using conventional compiler

You have to use non-standard compiler/runtime technology to compile
Scheme efficiently.  However, Scheme is a much smaller, more powerful
language than C.  When C++ becomes a language (when it is described in
a single document and has a well defined semantics) Scheme will be
smaller than C++ as well [the Scheme language report is ~50 pages,
including a formal semantics].



grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover) (12/05/89)

In article <1989Nov30.002204.4899@mentor.com> plogan@mentor.com (Patrick Logan) writes:
> >>From: grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover)
> >                                       Admittedly, this is not as elegant as
> >Scheme's notion of continuation but workable in concept.
> >
>To be more accurate, longjump is not workable in concept because a
>longjump can only be executed once per setjmp. A continuation in
>Scheme can be captured once and executed zero or more times. Things
>become more complicated when you start considering nested setjmps
>and longjumps.
Yes, you are quite right. In fact the problem is even deeper than that, as I
just learned, if the function calling setjmp returns before the call to
longjmp is made then the longjmp is made to a non-existent environment. 
Thanks for correcting me.

Vinod Grover
Sun Microsystems.

jste@PacBell.COM (Joshua Stein) (12/05/89)

Can someone post a non-implementation dependent definition of continuations;
what they are, what they do, and how they fit into the object-oriented paradigm.
Joshua Stein/Pacific*Bell/415 823-2411 |"I make it a rule to never get involved
the usual generic disclaimer goes here |with somone who's possessed ... well,
uucp:{world}!pacbell!pbhyf!jste	       |it's more of a guideline than a rule"

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (12/06/89)

In article <1989Nov30.002204.4899@mentor.com> plogan@mentor.com (Patrick Logan) writes:
> To be more accurate, longjump is not workable in concept because a
> longjump can only be executed once per setjmp.

What if you (as I suggested in another post) save and restore the whole
`-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <peter@ficc.uu.net>.
 'U`  Also <peter@ficc.lonestar.org> or <peter@sugar.lonestar.org>.

      "If you want PL/I, you know where to find it." -- Dennis

djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) (12/06/89)

From article <1713@odin.SGI.COM>, by shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro):
> In article <10008@june.cs.washington.edu> peterd@june.cs.washington.edu (Peter C. Damron) writes:
>>4. C and C++ have first class functions.  Functions can be passed as
>>   parameters, returned as function values, and assigned to variables.
>>Hope this helps to clear up any mis-understandings,
> Actually, Peter, it creates one.

Oh, gimme a break. I think the only misunderstanding is in the definition
of the value-charged adjectival phrase, "first class". If by "first class",
you mean "variable", then C's function-names are not "first class", but that
certainly does not make them second or third class! For most purposes,
constant-names for functions are to be prefered over function-valued variables.

>  C and C++ do not have fist class
> functions.  Functions cannot be passed as values.  Function pointers
> can, whcih is a somewhat different thing.  To be first class, it must
> be possible to treat functions as *values* rather than as *labels*.

What is a function's "value", if not a label?  What other candidates
are there? The only issue here is whether the name always refers to the
same function: Is the name effectively a label, or does it refer to a
variable which can contain any of a number of different labels? That is
the choice.

There are benefits to constant function-names. I can recall some awful,
XDR-related debugging sessions, struggling to figure out whether this or
that function-variable was bound to this or that procedure. It's best to
use constants when possible, reserving the use of variables for the
few occasions when they are really needed. Besides, on most machines, the
procedure call will be quicker if the name is a constant, resolved by
the linker, rather than at runtime.

> For example, the following is a syntax error:
> int foo(int);
> int bar(int);
> foo = bar
> If functions were first class, this would be altogether legal.

Then we would have to add something like ...

   constant int foo(int);

... to recover the lost functionality. I would much prefer that
function-names be constants in the default case.

Here's how you can have it both ways, constants and variables, in
plain old K&R C.

  extern int bar();    /* "bar" names an external constant. */
  int (*foo)();        /* "foo" names a variable. */

  void foozle()
     foo = bar; /* What could be simpler? */

nn@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Nick Nussbaum) (12/07/89)

	Those interested in continuations in C might want to look
at a paper by Thomas Bruel which I believe was presented at the
Usenix 88 conference. He proposed implementing closures by
generating pointer to some automatically generated code which sets
up the environment and then jumps into the function. Thus closures
can be used in the same way as vanilla function pointers. He also
discusses the desirablility of nested functions.

Nick Nussbaum                      PO 68 - MIT Branch
nn@rice-chex.ai.mit.edu             Cambridge, MA 02139 

chase@Ozona.orc.olivetti.com (David Chase) (12/08/89)

In article <5369@rice-chex.ai.mit.edu> nn@rice-chex.WISC.EDU (Nick Nussbaum) writes:
>	Those interested in continuations in C might want to look
>at a paper by Thomas Bruel which I believe was presented at the
>Usenix 88 conference. He proposed implementing closures by
>generating pointer to some automatically generated code which sets
>up the environment and then jumps into the function. Thus closures
>can be used in the same way as vanilla function pointers.

It's a neat trick (Stallman put me in touch with Thomas Breuel, who
described it to me), and I even used it for a while in a Modula-3
compiler.  Most unfortunately, life gets much more complicated on
architectures/OSes that separate instructions and data (by page
protection, or in potentially inconsistent caches).  Some calling
conventions also make this difficult -- it's dead easy on a Sun 1, 2,
or 3, less easy on a SPARC, and I'm not sure that it's tractable at
all on a MIPS, i860, or 88000.  Bummer, that.  It was great fun while
it lasted.
