[comp.lang.c++] ROM able C++ compilers

wsmith@mdbs.UUCP (Bill Smith) (12/06/89)

Which compilers for the IBM PC AT or XT generate ROM-able code?
I would like to be able to run C++ progrmas in a non-DOS environment.

Which are link compatible with Microsoft C 5.1?

Bill Smith
{the known world}!pur-ee!mdbs!wsmith
(Not mdbs opinions/questions)

Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (12/08/89)

Both MSC 5.1 (used with a cfront port preprocessor) and Zortech C++ can be  
used to generate ROMable code. ZTC++ comes with a sample ROM startup module.  
Both use MSC calling conventions.