[comp.lang.c++] Passing function pointers in C++

Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (12/09/89)

 > From: abbott@aerospace.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott)
 > Date: 1 Dec 89 16:30:44 GMT
 > Organization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA
 > Message-ID: <62298@aerospace.AERO.ORG>
 > Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.lang.c++
 > In article <32106@watmath.waterloo.edu> gjditchfield@watmsg.waterloo.edu 
 > (Glen Ditchfield) writes:
 > >  ...   In practice, in C++, wouldn't it be simpler to pass a comparison
 > >function as an argument to the sort() function?
 > Can you really do that in C++?  What would the declarations look like?
 > That would be even more flexible than the generic sort that I asked
 > about originally.


        Yes you can pass function pointers in C++, an edited version of the syntax is listed below.  Also if you wish to look at some very simple code call my system and download DL_2.ZIP.  Personally I believe that deriving different sorting methods from the base class is much cleaner and more in line with OOP.

                         Migrating from C to C++,

                           Roy Browning


        extern "C" {
                    typedef int (*CMP)(const void **,const void **);

                    extern int Cmp_FileName(const struct FIND **p1,
                                            const struct FIND **p2);


        class FileList {



             FileList(const char *name = "*.*",
                      const int attrib = zero,
                      CMP func = NULL);



        static FileList::FileList(const char *name,
                                  const int attrib,
                                  CMP func)
            if (func)
                  qsort(F,num_files,sizeof(struct FIND *), func);


             FileList test5("*.*",FA_DIREC | FA_HIDDEN, Cmp_FileSize);


fst@gtenmc.UUCP (Fariborz "Skip" Tavakkolian) (12/11/89)

In article <5115.25805AED@urchin.fidonet.org> Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) writes:
> > From: abbott@aerospace.aero.org (Russell J. Abbott)
> > In article <32106@watmath.waterloo.edu> gjditchfield@watmsg.waterloo.edu 
> > >  ...   In practice, in C++, wouldn't it be simpler to pass a comparison
> > >function as an argument to the sort() function?
> > Can you really do that in C++?  What would the declarations look like?
>Personally I believe that deriving different sorting methods from the base
>class is much cleaner and more in line with OOP.

I have a similar question, or it may be a major confusion in my part.

Say I have a class like this:

class genericField {
	int length, line, column;
	// here I want something similar to the following three
	int (genericField::*before)();
	int (genericField::*verify)();
	int (genericField::*after)();

	genericField(int len, int ln, int col);

	virtual int edit(cursesWindow& w);
	void setBefore(int (genericField::*user_before_function)());

class dateField : public genericField { ... };
class integerField : public genericField { ... }; // and so on ...

Generally speaking the ``before'' is to be invoked just before editing is
attempted. For example suppose we have

integerField customer_id;
integerField inventory_code;

The ``before'' function for customer_id may make a menu of all allowed
customer ids, and the ``before'' function for inventory_code will make
a list of valid inventory items (from a database for example). As can be
demonstrated each instance of the integerField class may need a different
``before'' function.

Question: how to do this so that a programmer will not need to derive a
new class for each occurrence of a field (i.e. not using virtuals)?

Many thanks
Fariborz "Skip" Tavakkolian  -of-  Automated Cellular Engineering
Currently consulting         -at-  GTE Telecom, Inc. Bothell, Wa
Mail:                              tiny1!fst@mcgp1  -or-  fst@gtenmc