[comp.lang.c++] lint++ -> really "AutoCodeReview" -- Ideas requested.

rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler) (12/08/89)

We all know that C++ is a better C, with OO and prototypes and 
better type matching and etc.

What we also know is that C++ is complex, nearly as complex as ADA.
All those rules about operator new (which really should be called
operator allocate), operator = (assignment), copy constructors,
protected, private, public, ...... 10 Million and One rules to learn.

And some of these rules are very subtle, like this one I discovered
the other day (which I will detail shortly)

In the old days, we KNEW what was going on, and in which order things 
happened.  Maybe, if good garbage collection was around (and cheap and
efficient), we could all stop worring about these issues. But for now,
C++ is the best we have so WE better improve it (or retire).

We had lint in the old days to catch things like

  if ( x = 0 ) then

which is almost certainly an error.

What we need is lint++ -- an expert code reviewer which can catch problems
like that above, and the more subtle problems, like that detailed
I would like to collect a list of lint-like heuristics for C++, things that
the compiler cannot be expected to catch, but which are:

  o  likely program bugs 
  o  unsafe coding practices
  o  portablity issues
  o  etc.

Now is the time to collect these types of rules, while we are all
learning. It is now that we will be discovering creative new ways
shoot ourselves in the foot (feet if you are a good shot :)).

Please e-mail in your contributions and I will summarize to the net.
Contributions that express a rule like:

  Constructor(s) with dynamic memory allocation without assigment 
  operator(s) might cause heap problems !! (see sample problem below)

and a more mundane one:

  Assignment within condition expression of an if statement might
  be mistype of ==.

are preferred, but I am not greedy, give what you can.  Heuristics which
address mainly theological points of style are too abstract -- let's avoid

Now, to start things off, here is my very subtle problem which
started this whole train of thought.  Can you spot the error ?

#include <string.h>

#include "ComIdent.hh"

   string = 0;

ComIdent::ComIdent( const char * const token )
  if ( token )
  { string = new char[strlen(token)+1];
    strcpy( string,token );
    string = 0;

ComIdent::ComIdent( const ComIdent & token )
  if ( token.string )
  { string = new char[strlen(token.string)+1];
    strcpy( string,token.string );
    string = 0;

  if ( string )
    delete[strlen(string)+1] string;

Did you see the problem?  I did not --- it took me 19 hours or so
to find out what was going on.  I eventually had to look at the C++ 2.0
produced C code to figure it out.  Here is the problem:

  Statements like

    ComIndent ident_new = ident_old;

  fail because 

    a) Copy constructor is called to copy ident_old into a temp
       ComIdent object.  Memory is malloc'ed (by new) OK.
       (I made the copy constructor to avoid the problem you are
	about to discover; unfortunately, I did not understand that
	C++ creates temps on initialization.  Too bad.)

    b) Default memberwise copy is performed from temp into ident_new.
       Pointer to character array is member of ComIdent types, and is
       copied faithfully. (I had thought the copy constructor would
       be used here.)

    c) Destructor is called to free memory of temp.  Newly allocated
       string is freed.

    d) Next new overwrites data area of string (which is pointed to by
       the now invalid ident_new).

So simple ? Everyone knows that ! (So do I.) Well, it so happens
that indent_new was passed to another constructor as the first argument
several function calls later.  What I saw was that C++ was making an
allocation error because the pointer value of this was the same as
the constructor's first value.  Not only that, but the program did not crash,
instead it just printed "(null)" all over the place.

The fix --- delete the copy constructor and replace with an assignment

ComIdent & ComIdent::operator = ( const ComIndent & token )
  if ( string )
    delete[strlen(string)+1] string;

  if ( token.string )
    string = new char[strlen(token.string)+1];
    strcpy( string,token.string );
    string = 0;

The point --- if I had read about this problem (or had lint++) this might
not have cost me so much time.  So emails away !

It's not the size of your signature that 	Randy Roesler
counts - it's how you use it!			MacDonald Dettwiler & Assc.
email ...!uunet!van-bc!mdavcr!rdr		BC Canada 604-278-3411

kenny@hpcuhc.HP.COM (Kenneth Lee) (12/09/89)

/ hpcuhc:comp.lang.c++ / rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler) /  7:41 pm  Dec  7, 1989 /
> We had lint in the old days to catch things like
>  if ( x = 0 ) then
>     something_imporant();
> which is almost certainly an error.

I know it's certainly an error, but what are you trying to point out?

Are you trying to say lint should do one of the following:

1. tell you a syntax error
	if ( expression ) then statement 
   where then is not a keyword in C.

2. tell you a logic error
	if ( something which is always false )
Are these the jobs of lint?


Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (12/11/89)

 > ComIdent::~ComIdent()
 > {
 >   if ( string )
 >     delete[strlen(string)+1] string;
 > }

 > The fix --- delete the copy constructor and replace with an assignment
 > one.


        I have sucessfully used both a copy constructor and an overloading  
assignment operator in a test class.  However from my limited reading on C++ I  
believe your problem is your destructor.  From reading Lippman pages 240 & 241  
you are deleting an array of pointers stored in "string" where "[x]" is the  
number to "free()".  From the source code I've seen all "delete" does is to  
call "free()" and pass it a "char *".  Telling "delete" there are "[X]"  
pointers stored at location "string" should cause some VERY unusual problems  
if I'm correct.

                           I could use a lint myself,

                                 Roy Browning

jeenglis@nunki.usc.edu (Joe English) (12/13/89)

Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) writes:
> > ComIdent::~ComIdent()
> > {
> >   if ( string )
> >     delete[strlen(string)+1] string;
> > }

> I  believe your problem is your destructor.  From reading Lippman 
>you are deleting an array of pointers stored in "string" where "[x]" is the  
>number to "free()".  From the source code I've seen all "delete" does is to  
>call "free()" and pass it a "char *".  Telling "delete" there are "[X]"  
>pointers stored at location "string" should cause some VERY unusual problems  
>if I'm correct.

Actually, delete[X] p; is used when p points at an
array of X objects with destructors.  It calls the
destructor on each of the X objects but only passes
"p" to free() (or the equivalent function.)

Since 'char' doesn't have a destructor, the above
code is equivalent to just 'delete string;'

--Joe English


rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler) (12/13/89)

In article <590001@hpcuhc.HP.COM> kenny@hpcuhc.HP.COM (Kenneth Lee) writes:
>/ hpcuhc:comp.lang.c++ / rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler) /  7:41 pm  Dec  7, 1989 /
>> We had lint in the old days to catch things like
>>  if ( x = 0 ) then
>>     something_imporant();
>> which is almost certainly an error.
>I know it's certainly an error, but what are you trying to point out?

Yes -- I made a typing error -- I typed what I say, rather than what C++
accepts. Catching this error is the compilers job.  The possible error 
of the assignment rather than a comparison would be a lint tool's job.

What I want from you (dear net reader), is hueristic rules about situations
in C++ which the compiler can not or will not warn you about.

It's not the size of your signature that 	Randy Roesler
counts - it's how you use it!			MacDonald Dettwiler & Assc.
email ...!uunet!van-bc!mdavcr!rdr		BC Canada 604-278-3411

rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler) (12/13/89)

In article <5457.25845C8E@urchin.fidonet.org> Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) writes:
> > ComIdent::~ComIdent()
> > {
> >   if ( string )
> >     delete[strlen(string)+1] string;
> > }
> > The fix --- delete the copy constructor and replace with an assignment
> > one.
>        I have sucessfully used both a copy constructor and an overloading  
>assignment operator in a test class.  However from my limited reading on C++ I  
>believe your problem is your destructor.  From reading Lippman pages 240 & 241  
>you are deleting an array of pointers stored in "string" where "[x]" is the  
>number to "free()".  From the source code I've seen all "delete" does is to  
>call "free()" and pass it a "char *".  Telling "delete" there are "[X]"  
>pointers stored at location "string" should cause some VERY unusual problems  
>if I'm correct.
>                           I could use a lint myself,
>                                 Roy Browning

Thanks for the reply Roy.  The program is working fine now, so I do not 
think that the destructor is the problem.  My use of delete is
symmetric with may use of new.  I.e.

  some_type * xxxx = new some_type [size];

  delete [size] xxxx;

In this case, some_type is `char', and thus, neither new or delete need
to call constructors/destructors.

The key passage in the manual is on page 21 (SUN C++ docs, section 5.3.4),
which says (much left out):

   The form
       delete [ expression ] cast_expression
   is used to delete arrays.... destructors (if any) ... will be invoked.

Still, you bring up a good point.  If some_type was orginal typedefined
as character, and you left out the [ expression ] construction from the 
delete statement, everything would probably work out fine. (I guess I
should try this !).

If, latter, a change my typedefine of some_type to some other type with
constructors and destructors, then the code would probably start to

Could a tool be written to track varible usage and warn you about this 
type of situations ?

Any more situations like this ?

It's not the size of your signature that 	Randy Roesler
counts - it's how you use it!			MacDonald Dettwiler & Assc.
email ...!uunet!van-bc!mdavcr!rdr		BC Canada 604-278-3411

Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (12/14/89)

 > > > ComIdent::~ComIdent()
 > > > {
 > > >   if ( string )
 > > >     delete[strlen(string)+1] string;
 > > > }

 > Actually, delete[X] p; is used when p points at an
 > array of X objects with destructors.  It calls the
 > destructor on each of the X objects but only passes
 > "p" to free() (or the equivalent function.)
 > Since 'char' doesn't have a destructor, the above
 > code is equivalent to just 'delete string;'


        Ouch, guess I deserved that.  Couched my answer in very loose 'C'  
jargon in the C++ newsgroup and got my head handed to me <grin>.  I habitually  
use imprecise terminology relying on the overall meaning rather than the exact  
words.  Will have to revert to a policy of only posting tested code.  

        Spent a couple of hours proving that the code below would loose random  
pointers to free().  Even modified my library to to demonstrate exactly what  
was occurring.

        char* str = "Test string";

        String* a = (String*) new String;
        *a = str;
        cout << a;

        delete[5] a;


Then I looked at your reply and the original message and observed that I had  
only proven that I had misread the original missive.  You are quite correct,  
"delete[x] string" calls free only once deallocating the string.

                             I stand corrected,

                               Roy Browning

Roy.Browning@f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (12/14/89)

 > From: rdr@mdavcr.UUCP (Randolph Roesler)
 > Date: 12 Dec 89 21:51:32 GMT
 > Organization: MacDonald Dettwiler, Richmond, B.C., Canada
 > Message-ID: <701@acrux.mdavcr.UUCP>
 > Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++


        What I so badly related in the previous message is that I find the  
syntax listed below sufficient for deallocating character arrays.

        char* string = new char[number of characters];
        delete string;

        However the syntax below is what is suggested by Lippman for an  
array of pointers to objects.  The String destructor is invoked for each  
of the "size" elements of tbl2.

        String tbl[ size ];
        String *tbl2 = new String[ size ];
        while (cin >> tbl[i]);
        delete [ size ] tbl2;

        I mistakely assumed that your use of "new" was to return an array of  
object pointers rather than an array of characters, my mistake.

                                Roy Browning