[comp.lang.c++] C++, CASE, and Relational Databases

tom@litle.COM (Tom Hampton) (12/11/89)

We are wondering how C++, Computer Aided Software
Engineering tools (CASE) and relational databases
fit together.

Here are our questions:

1) Is anyone using CASE tools to develop C++ programs?

2) How compatible is a relational database mentality 
   with an object-oriented one?  Are objects more or
   less akin to entities?

3) Should we pick between C++, CASE and RDBMS or can 
   we use a combination of each?

Tom Hampton -- tom@litle.com

sani@wmt.UUCP (Sandor Nieuwenhuijs) (12/11/89)

In article <629325833.tom@litle.COM>, tom@litle.COM (Tom Hampton) writes:
> 3) Should we pick between C++, CASE and RDBMS or can 
>    we use a combination of each?

We integrated RDBMS and CASE in our ISEE product. This product will
generate a complete 4GL application from your design. At this moment
we support Ingres 4GL, but others will follow real soon.
Sandor Nieuwenhuijs             | E-mail:       sani@wmt.uucp
Westmount Technology B.V.       | Phone:        +31 15 610815
Poortweg 8, 2612 PA Delft       | Fax:          +31 15 565701
The Netherlands                 |----------------------------

psrc@pegasus.ATT.COM (Paul S. R. Chisholm) (12/15/89)

In article <629325833.tom@litle.COM>, tom@litle.COM (Tom Hampton) writes:
> 1) Is anyone using CASE tools to develop C++ programs?

Almost certainly.-)

CASE tools can be divided into two, um, classes:  upper CASE and lower
CASE.  (I *swear* I didn't make those terms up!)  Upper CASE refers to
front end, design kinds of efforts:  data design (with a *strong*
emphasis on RDBMSs, and little or no object orientation), data flow,
and structure charts, all language independent.  Lower CASE tools
typically generate code.  (If a tool generates C code, you could use it
in a C++ project; you'll probably want some sort of C++ "wrapper"
functions around the generated code, though.)

> 2) How compatible is a relational database mentality with an
> object-oriented one?  Are objects more or less akin to entities?

No, entities are more like C structures:  no inheritance, no
encapsulation of functions with data, no abstraction.

You can decide to have an object oriented database.  (If you do, in my
humble opinion [IMHO], you're pushing the state of the art harder than
just doing object oriented programming or design.)  You can also have a
simple (my, how times change:-) relational database, that can be
accessed by C++ or C or Cobol or fourth generation language (4GL)
tools, and just happen to implement your software in C++.

> 3) Should we pick between C++, CASE and RDBMS or can we use a
> combination of each?

Upper CASE tools work well on database intensive projects, so they're a
good match.  Lower CASE tools or 4GLs might be more effective than C++,
but C++ should be more effective than C (better type checking, much
better data abstraction, and OOP, too).

> Tom Hampton -- tom@litle.com

Paul S. R. Chisholm, AT&T Bell Laboratories
att!pegasus!psrc, psrc@pegasus.att.com, AT&T Mail !psrchisholm
I'm not speaking for the company, I'm just speaking my mind.