[comp.lang.c++] availability of C++ for IBM pc-rt - where?

biggers@wolves.uucp (Mark Biggers) (12/18/89)

I am looking for C++ (either Cfront or GNU g++) for the PC-RT
workstation (running v2.2 AIX); any pointers/vendors appreciated!

mail to:
biggers@bass.rutgers.edu (or)

Gregory G. Woodbury
Sysop/owner Wolves Den UNIX BBS, Durham NC
UUCP: ...dukcds!wolves!ggw   ...dukeac!wolves!ggw           [use the maps!]
Domain: ggw@cds.duke.edu  ggw@ac.duke.edu  ggw%wolves@ac.duke.edu
Phone: +1 919 493 1998 (Home)  +1 919 684 6126 (Work)
[The line eater is a boojum snark! ]           <standard disclaimers apply>