[comp.lang.c++] Little Questions

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (12/14/89)

A couple of brief questions:

    1. What is the difference between the CC options -F and -Fc?

    2. What is the difference between the following declarations:

        extern void foo(int, float);
        void foo(int, float);

Thanks for enlightenment,


randolph@ektools.UUCP (Gary L. Randolph) (12/21/89)

In article <22797@brunix.UUCP> sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) writes:
>A couple of brief questions:
>    1. What is the difference between the CC options -F and -Fc?
>    2. What is the difference between the following declarations:
>        extern void foo(int, float);
>        void foo(int, float);
>Thanks for enlightenment,

I tried to email this but my mailer daemon kicked it back.
You may have already found the answers, but here they are anyway...

First, the only difference among the options you gave is:

	-F directs the C code to standard out

	-Fc sends the C code to a .c file

Second, function names are implicitly extern (given to linker) so the
only difference in your example (I believe) is that one is implicit, the
other is explicit. See Lippman, pg. 127.
