[comp.lang.c++] C++ for VAX/VMS

news@oresoft.uu.net (Daniel "Paperboy" Elbaum) (12/21/89)

In article <1989Dec19.162104.2742@athena.mit.edu> aeichsta@Athena.MIT.EDU (Andrew J. Eichstaedt) writes:
:I'd like to run C++ on a VAXstation 3100 under VMS.
:It looks like the only thing available is G++.  Any alternate suggestions?

Oregon C++ has a 1.2-compatible C++ compiler on VMS for VAX.
It will be in general release sometime in January.

For more information, write:

Oregon Software, Inc.
6915 SW Macadam Ave., Suite 200
Portland, OR  97219-2397
ATTN: Pre-Sales Support

or call

(503) 245-2202

or email


Daniel Elbaum              dan@oresoft.uu.net
Oregon Software, Inc.      uunet!oresoft!dan
..!{uunet,sun!nosun}!oresoft!news   news@oresoft.uu.net