[comp.lang.c++] Pointer to member function - Bug???

euaeny@euas10c19.ericsson.se (Erik Nyquist) (12/28/89)

According to "C++ - Reference Manual", page 26:
"A pointer to a member of class B may be 
 assigned to a pointer to a member of 
 class D of the same type provided D is 
 derived from B (directly or indirectly)
 by public derivation."

I wanted to try this with the program below. 

The Sun C++-compiler gives the following error 

CC  +g pointer-to-member.C:
"pointer-to-member.C", line 30: error: bad assignment type: void (B::*)(char *) = void (D::*)(char *)

Why isn't the program accepted?


#include <stream.h>

#define NL <<"\n"

class B {
  void b_method(char* cp) { cout << "Base: " << cp NL; }

class D : public B {
  void d_method(char* cp) { cout << "Derived:" << cp NL; }

  D d;
  void (B::*bfunction)(char*) = B::b_method;
  (d.*bfunction)("Hallo, World!");
  bfunction = D::d_method;
  (d.*bfunction)("Goodbye, World!");

Erik Nyquist           	   Tel: +46 - 8 719 9603
Ellemtel Utvecklings AB    email: euaeny@euas18.ericsson.se
Box 1505
S- 125 25 Stockholm

ldg@drywit.ATT.COM (XMRB30000-GibbonsD(DRR6702)262) (12/29/89)

From article <2580@erix.ericsson.se>, by euaeny@euas10c19.ericsson.se (Erik Nyquist):
> Why isn't the program accepted?
> main(){
>   D d;
>   void (B::*bfunction)(char*) = B::b_method;
>   (d.*bfunction)("Hallo, World!");
>   bfunction = D::d_method;
>   (d.*bfunction)("Goodbye, World!");
> }

This code is an error and the Sun compiler correct.
The line

	bfunction = D::method;

is attempting to assign a ptr-to-D-member to
to a ptr-to-B-member. The passage on pg 26 of the
C++ Reference Manual sanctions just the opposite operation.

-- Doug Gibbons			| ldg@druhi.ATT.COM or att!druhi!ldg
-- AT&T Bell Laboratories 
-- Denver CO